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Within the limits of PUC the combined demographic social and economic forces give rise to hyper speed urbanization at an unseen scale.

Within the hearts of all living entities, resides the Supreme Lord, O Arjuna, and by the potency of the illusory energy orchestrates the movements of all living entities like figurines on a carousel. 阿诸那啊,至尊主居于所有众生的心中,通过无形能量的神力,编奏着所有众生生命的乐章,众生们就像喧闹酒会上的小雕像一样被指挥着。
Within the hindbrain, rhombomeres (r) 2 and 6 received inputs in distinct anterior-posterior patterns, potentially indicative of their role in visuomotor transformations. 在后脑内部,菱脑节2,6在独特的前后模式下接收输入信号,暗示其在视觉运动转化中具有作用。
Within the indigenous economy as well, the botanicos —herbal healers —work for money rather than the traditional barter for food or labor. 当地的经济体系内也一样,不如以往以物易物的传统,传统医疗人员─药草治疗师─收取金钱而非以食物或劳役报酬。
Within the jurisdiction of the time element, everyone enjoys or suffers the result of his own karma, or fruitive activities. 每个人都在时间元素的管辖之下,享受或承受其业报的不同结果。
Within the labyrinth of the Adobe floor design is a popular place-the kitchen. Free soft drinks and coffee–the caffeine helps! 经过错综复杂的地板后你会发现一个非常受欢迎的地方--厨房.免费的饮料和咖啡---咖啡是最好的提神饮品!
Within the limits of PUC the combined demographic social and economic forces give rise to hyper speed urbanization at an unseen scale. 在中国人民的城市之中,人口统计结合社会与经济的力量使得的城市化进程在一个不被人所见的规模下迅猛发展。
Within the limits of readily available technology, Internet counselors have an obligation to make their Web site a barrier-free environment to clients with disabilities. 在现有技术可行的情况下,网络咨商有义务使其网站为残疾的咨客提供无障碍环境。
Within the limits of relevant legal provisions, a party may leave a deposit with the other party. (三)当事人一方在法律规定的范围内可以向对方给付定金。
Within the monastic sangha of Dharma Drum Mountain, I was told, while these eight precepts are included in the full precepts taken by bhikshunis, Master Sheng Yen does not require that bhikshunis follow them in their interactions with bhikshus. 据我所知,法鼓山的僧团里,虽然比丘尼的戒律中涵盖了「八敬法」,但是圣严法师并未要求法鼓山的比丘尼,与比丘互动时必须遵守八敬法。
Within the past week, unmistakable evidence has established the fact that a series of offensive missile sites is now in preparation on that imprisoned island. 在上周,有清晰的证据显示了这样的事实——在那个被囚禁的小岛上一系列进攻性导弹场地正处在建设中。
Within the petroleum industry, the drilling of wells is of paramount importance: without a well - a simple ( yet complex ) hole in the ground ? 在石油行业里,钻井是最重要的:没有井--地里一个简单的(然而也是复杂的)洞--就没有其他取得油气的方法。

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