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In Florida, out of almost 3000 public schools, the report says 5 honor George Washington, the nation's fist president. 11 honor the manatee, an (endangered) sea animal found in that state.

In Finley Ohio, hundreds remain in the shelters, streets are still impassable, but the water has started to recede. 在俄亥俄州的芬得雷地区,仍有上百人留在避难所,道路仍不能通行,但是洪水已经开始退去。
In Finley Ohio, hundreds remained in the shelters. 在俄亥俄州芬得雷地区,数百人仍然呆在避难所中。
In Floria, the bikeways in urban area are expanding too, especially in the scenic areas. 想想在佛罗里达州,城市里的自行车道也在不停的扩充,尤其是在风景迷人的地方。
In Florida, a robbery in broad daylight with robbers hitting an armored vehicle and making off with more than one million dollars in cash. 在佛罗里达州,一群抢劫犯白天抢劫了一辆装甲车,劫走了1百万多的美元。
In Florida, out of almost 3 thousand public schools, the report says, five honor George Washington, the nation's first president, eleven honor the Manegy (manatee), an endangerous (endangered) sea animal found in that state. 一个报告指出,在佛罗里达的三千所公立学校中,有5个以美国首任总统华盛顿来命名,11个以在该州发现的濒危海洋动物海牛命名。
In Florida, out of almost 3000 public schools, the report says 5 honor George Washington, the nation's fist president. 11 honor the manatee, an (endangered) sea animal found in that state. 报告指出,在佛罗里达,近3000所公立学校中的5所学校冠以乔治华盛顿(第一位总统)的名字,11所学校以海牛(一种在该州发现的已濒临灭绝的海洋动物)命名。
In Florida, out of almost 3000 public schools, the report says 5 ownedhonor George Washington, the nation's first president. 11 honor the manatee,? and the dangerousan endangered? seesea animal found in that state. 报导称,在佛罗里达,超出3000所公立学校,有5所是用乔治华盛顿,国家第一位总统来命名的,11所是用海牛,一种在那个州发现在濒临灭绝的海洋动物,来命名的。
In France and Portugal, revenues remained stable. 法国和葡萄牙的收入也相对平稳。
In France and Spain as well as Greece, where most people are Orthodox, the clergy was viewed with the most suspicion. 而在以东正教徒为主的法国、西班牙和希腊,神职人员的信任度则较低。
In France good manners require that on arriving at a business meeting a manager shake hands with everyone present. 在法国,经理在商务会议上和与会的每一个人握手是一种礼貌。
In France it is the custom to shake hands with people in the office every morning. 在法国每天早上在办公室里和人握手是一种习俗。

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