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This article, in the light of vast documental data, probes into the function of Zhangjia Living Buddha system in administering the Mongolian-Tibetan regions of Qing Dynasty.

This article, discusses the state of the shift population of the handicraftsman of Xinhua, outlines its characteristics, especially the characteristics of distribution, age struction, sexual struction, etc, after that, emphasizes its impacts on social eco 摘要该文首先简要介绍了新华村民族手工艺者外出流动基本概况,揭示了其在地城分布、人口结构等方面的特征,重点分析了手工艺者外出流动的经济社会文化效应,简要总结新华村的发展模式,并针对手工艺者外出流动带来的几个问题提出简明的对策。
This article, from a view of anthropological aspect, compares the motive and cause of faith, mode of religious behaviour and cultural context of the two different groups and, upon the base of case investigation and interview during fieldworks, discusses t 本文以文化人类学的视角,通过对城乡两地基督教徒群体的个案调查和访谈,从其入教动机和原因、体现信仰的行为方式以及其文化处境等几方面加以比较,在此基础上对该群体“功利性”的判断作了分析。
This article, from the macroscopic perspective, probes into the status quo of our informational construction of business achieves and puts forward some suggestions of quickening the construction of this field. 本文分析了我国企业档案信息化建设的现状,提出了加快企业档案信息化建设的措施,从宏观角度对企业档案的信息化建设进行了探索。
This article, from the perspectives of the function and form, ferrets out the rise and decline of the trisyllabic verse in Han and Wei dynasties and the close relation to the heptasyllabic verse. 三言在汉魏兴衰的原因可以归结为表现功能和体式原理两方面,并且与七言体有密切的关系。
This article, from the viewpoint of social psychology, as well as official systems, gardening places and regional characteristics at that time, gives an anatomy of the shaping of the group in Luoyang and draws a conclusion that the interaction between pol 论文试从当时官僚文人普遍的社会心理、职官、园林、洛阳地域个性几方面,分析这一文坛现象之所以在洛阳出现,主要是时代、政治、文化共同作用的结果。
This article, in the light of vast documental data, probes into the function of Zhangjia Living Buddha system in administering the Mongolian-Tibetan regions of Qing Dynasty. 摘要文章依据大量的文献资料,对章嘉活佛系统在清朝治理蒙藏地区中的作用进行了探讨。
This article, making SWOT analysis on internationalized management of Wenzhou small and medium-sized enterprises, mainly probes into the issue of strategic choice Wenzhou small and medium-sized enterprises should make in their internationalized management 本文通过叶温州中小企业国际化经营的SWOT分析,探讨温州中小企业国际化经营的战略选择问题。
This article, on the basis of sorting out and discriminating the related data, makes an analysis on the cause for fostering the Zhangjia Hustuketu system in Qing Dynaty, and deems that fostering the Zhangjia Living Buddha System has a direct bearing on th 摘要文章在认真整理、仔细辨析相关资料的基础上,就清政府扶植章嘉呼图克图系统的原因进行了分析,认为既有加强对蒙古地区的统治、对藏传佛教贯彻“众建以分其势”政策的政治、历史和宗教背景的因素,又与二世章嘉呼图克图道行至高、才能卓越密切相关。
This article, starting from the background of novel writing, the characterization of Zheng He, and this novel's significance to the collation of historical books, is intended to be of some help to further research on Voyage to the West and Zheng He. 本文从小说写作的背景、郑和形象的塑造以及小说在史书校勘方面的价值等方面入手进行阐述,希望对《西洋记》及郑和研究的继续深入有所帮助。
This article, starting with the name of Regong Art, makes a probe into the Regong art, and deems that the Regong art is the outcome of taking Buddhist culture as the core and integrating the multi-national culture. 摘要本文从“热贡艺术”的名称入手,对热贡艺术这一文化现象作了探讨,认为热贡艺术是以佛教文化为核心,融合多民族文化因子的产物。
This article, starting with the significance of city marketing, analyzes the general problems in the process of city marketing, and on that basis gives some solutions to the problems. 本文将从开展城市营销的必要性入手,对目前我国城市营销过程中普遍存在的问题进行分析,并在此基础上提出解决问题的对策。

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