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In 1.0, any weapon with a bipod can be deployed while prone, at a sandbag or at some but not all window ledges. Weapons without bipods cannot be deployed.

In ,we develop our own CPU dragon chip,what about your opinion? 中国成功自主开发了CPU芯片,请问您对此的看法?
In 1 patient (3.6%), the operation was converted to open surgery. 一位病患(3.6%)转为开放式手术。
In 1 series of primary salivary gland tumors,local recurrences preceded distant metastases in all cases of ACA. 这些所有的报道中,肺转移均出现在初步诊断后5-30年。
In 1)bodily form, 2)symmetry is beauty. 在体型方面,对称就是美。
In 1,000 bottles of 103 different brands of bottled water, 22 percent contained synthetic chemicals, bacteria and arsenic. 在103个品牌的1000瓶瓶装水中,有22%含有人工合成化学药物、细菌和砷。
In 1.0, any weapon with a bipod can be deployed while prone, at a sandbag or at some but not all window ledges. Weapons without bipods cannot be deployed. 在1。0中,我们可以将所有的武器都架在沙包上吗?比如,我们将加蓝德靠在沙包上,窗户框,碎石头上,等等,这样后坐力会减低点?
In 10 cases a tumor specimen was obtained either by open surgery or stereotactic biopsy, securing the diagnosis of pilocytic astrocytoma in five patients and nonpilocytic astrocytoma in five others. 10例的肿瘤标本通过开放手术或立体定向的活检获得,得出的诊断是:5例毛细胞性星形细胞瘤,5例为非毛细胞性星形细胞瘤。
In 10 years, not only will retirees outnumber newcomers to the work force, they're likely to outnumber children too, Statscan has warned. 在为了的10年,退休人员数量将超过新的劳动力,这一数字甚至会超过儿童的数量。
In 105 A.D., drawing on previous practices from others before him, Cai Lun invented paper by using tree bark, hemp, and pieces of cloth. 公元105年,蔡伦总结了前人的造纸技术,用树皮、麻头、旧布等为原料,造出了可以写字的纸。
In 1057 AD, a special organ named Bureau for Revising Meidical Bookswas set up in order to proofread and correct the medical books from preceding ages, and to publish them one after another. 公元前1057年,一个特殊的组织-校正医书局成立了,其目的是为了对从前的医书进行校正并一一印刷出版。
In 10,000 hours you could have learned enough to become an astronomer or engineer. You could have learned several languages fluently. 在1万个小时内你能学成一个天文学家或工程师,流利掌握几门外语。

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