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The result showed that povidone-iodine and isothiozolone can react with the Phaeocystis globosa's chlomphyl α, protein and SOD enzyme to destroy the metobolism of the cell and kill the cell.

The result showed that learning physical chemistry lesson is indispensable to training a eligible high school chemistry teacher. 得出学好物理化学课是培养一个合格的中学化学教师所不可缺少的重要部分。
The result showed that liquor's aroma and alcohol yield could be improved by adding another starter during the fermentation with uncooked sorghum. 结果表明:在高粱生料发酵过程中加入另一种自制的芳香酒曲,酒的香味得到明显改善,出酒率较高。
The result showed that non-enzymatic browning of greengage juice could be inhibited and natural primrose yellow could be kept in the plasming of greengage by adding 0.2% (mass fraction) sodium erythorbate; non-enzymatic browning of greengage juice was res 摘要结果表明:在青梅果打浆时加入质量分数为0.2%的异抗坏血酸钠,可防止果汁氧化褐变而保持天然淡黄色泽;减压浓缩较常压浓缩明显抑制了非酶褐变的发生;随着果汁含量和加工温度的提高,非酶褐变加快,色泽加深;低温有利于青梅浓缩汁的贮藏,冷冻贮藏是最佳的贮藏条件。
The result showed that notorious smell was removed in the condition of this paper with finestill technique of SC-CO2 and total production of ovum oil was almost not effected. 研究结果表明:在本实验采用的萃取精馏条件下,林蛙卵油得率受到的影响最小,腥味基本消除。
The result showed that plasma polymerized Trimethylphosphit can improve hydrophile of 317L stainless-steel dramatically. 结果发现亚磷酸三甲脂等离子体聚合膜可以明显改善不锈钢表面的亲水性。
The result showed that povidone-iodine and isothiozolone can react with the Phaeocystis globosa's chlomphyl α, protein and SOD enzyme to destroy the metobolism of the cell and kill the cell. 实验研究结果表明,碘伏和异噻唑啉酮通过与藻类的叶绿素、蛋白质和酶等反应,使细胞代谢异常,从而杀死藻体。
The result showed that sea encumber polypeptide have no obvious effect on body weight in mice, significantly prolong the time of loaded-swimming and rolling stick, strongly degrade the content of blood area nitrogen and increase the content of hepatic gly 结果发现,海参肽对小鼠体重无显著影响,能明显延长小鼠的负重游泳时间和转棒时间,显著降低运动后小鼠的血尿素氮含量,提高了肝糖原含量研究表明:海参肽具有明显的扰疲劳功效。
The result showed that the analysis of the operation of empty tower was correct and the retrofit w as successful. 结果证明,对空塔工作原理的分析是正确的,改造是成功的。
The result showed that the biomass of different organs of Chinese-fir treated with aqueous extracts of Schima superba, Castanopsis fargesii and Pinus massoniana after six years were increased in some degree, the higher the concentration was, the higher th 结果表明丝栗栲、马尾松、木荷水浸液处理杉木6年后,各器官的生物量有不同程度的提高,随着浓度加大其促进作用增强,在低浓度时有利于皮、枝和枯枝落叶生物量分配率,高浓度时有利于叶、根、干的生物量分配率;杉木水浸液处理杉木6年后,各器官生物量有不同程度的降低,随着浓度加大其抑制作用增强,在低浓度时有利于叶、皮、根、枝和干等各器官生物量分配率,高浓度时有利于枯枝落叶生物量分配率。
The result showed that the conditions of two groups during after pull out urinous catheter had different obviousness that was P<0.05. 结果表明,两组患者拔管后上述指标与情况有显著性差异,P<0.05。
The result showed that the environmental condition was improved by increasing light intensity and CO2 concentration; plantlets' growth in sugar-free culture was promoted. 结果表明:增加光照强度和提高CO2浓度,改善了海棠离体新梢生长的环境条件;与有糖培养相比,无糖培养促进了植株的生长发育。

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