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Hench-Schonlein Purpura, a common disorder in children and the most frequent etiological factor for the second nephritis in pediatrics department, is highly related with the immunologic derangement of the patients.

Henceforth, the north wind is worthless to the northerners. 从今以后,北风对北方人没有益处。
Henceforth, you will take orders only from me -- report only to me. 从今以后,卿只听从朕的命令——只向朕一人复命。
Henceforward, the la-ter generations can gain courage and strength from it for further advancement. 于是你便将它挂于山头,让他们抬头就能看清你的遗愿,继续前进。
Henceforward,your life will be changed. 你的人生将会从此改变.
Hence,the intensified research on legumes. 由此,对豆科植物的研究日趋深入。
Hench-Schonlein Purpura, a common disorder in children and the most frequent etiological factor for the second nephritis in pediatrics department, is highly related with the immunologic derangement of the patients. 过敏性紫癜是儿童时期常见病和多发病,是儿童继发性肾炎的最常见的原因,与患儿自身免疫状态紊乱密切相关。
Henderson State University - Offering programs in Digital Art and Design, Art Education, Art History and studio arts. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
Hendricks is cautiously supportive: “It's positive, but I don't know whether there will be change. 亨德里克斯谨慎地表示支持:「这是很正确的,但我不知道是否会有所改变,因为其中有很多既得利益者。」
Hendricks said that the Red Sox and Astros both indicated that they would prefer to wait until later in the season to keep Clemens fresher for potential postseason rushes. 亨德瑞表示红袜与太空人都曾表示宁可等到球季后半,好让克莱门斯带著充裕体力为可能的季后赛效力。
Hendrik Willem van Loon (1882-1944), a Dutch-American author and illustrator, was the first winner of the Newbery Medal for The Story of Mankind. 亨德里克?威廉?房龙(1822-1944),荷兰裔美国人,作家、插画家,因《人类的故事》一书获得纽伯瑞奖。
Hendrikje van Andel-Schipper, a former needlework teacher born on June 29, 1890, died in her sleep at a nursing home in the northern Dutch town of Hoogeveen. 亨德里克吉·范安德尔·席佩尔生于1890年6月29日,她曾经当过缝纫老师。8月30日,她在荷兰北部城镇霍赫芬的一家疗养院中,在睡梦中安详辞世。

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