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There are some countermeasure that are renewing and reconstructing zoology, enhancing protection of air environment and water environment in beauty spot, intensifying management and education for gauchos, and strengthening inductivity for tourist etc.

There are some causes for the financial problems, and the drawback of the institution are basic: the restriction of centralized government institution as well as the tax and financial system, the misleading of lagged government performance appraisal insti 造成县乡财政问题的原因是多方面的,而体制方面的弊端是造成这一问题的根本原因:集权型政府体制和分税制财政体制的制约、滞后的绩效评估体制的误导以及僵化的人事体制的影响。
There are some children who remain as dwarfs because they lack a particular hormone. 有些孩子一直长不高,因为他们身上缺少一种特殊的荷尔蒙。
There are some clods of soil on the mat. 垫子上有些土块。
There are some color balloons. 那儿有些彩色的气球。
There are some common lights that may induce a seed to come up, but are worthless for growing purposes. 有一些常见的灯或许适合发芽,但是对种植来说没什麽价值。
There are some countermeasure that are renewing and reconstructing zoology, enhancing protection of air environment and water environment in beauty spot, intensifying management and education for gauchos, and strengthening inductivity for tourist etc. 相应的治理对策主要有:生态恢复和重建工作;加强景区大气环境、水环境的保护管理;加强对牧民旅游服务活动的管理和培训,强化牧民的环境保护意识;加强对旅游者旅游活动行为的积极引导;大力提倡生态旅游,与国际旅游市场接轨。
There are some currants in this bun. 这个圆面包里有些葡萄干。
There are some deer and zebras near the Insect House. 昆虫馆附近有些鹿和斑马。
There are some deer in the woods . 308森林里有几只鹿。
There are some defeats more triumphant than victories. 有些战败比胜利更值得庆祝。
There are some differences between class methods and instance methods. 类方法和实例方法之间是有区别的。

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