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Abstract: In this paper, the technological conditions for use of dry binder in zinc smelting process with vertical distillator were presented and the optimal formula of dry binder was proposed through the contrast test of dry to liquid binders.

Abstract: In this paper, the problems met in designing, producing and use of the rotary-vane vacuum pump are discussed. The solution methods and the research direction are given. 文摘:本文论述了旋片真空在设计、生产和使用中存在的问题,提出了解决的方法和研究方向。
Abstract: In this paper, the property of silicon micro capacitive accelerometer is analyzed and discussed by establishing the model of sensor, laying the foundation for optimization design of sensor system structure. 文摘:通过建立传感器的力学模型,对硅微电容式加速度传感器的特性作了详细的分析与讨论,为系统结构的优化设计提供了理论基础。
Abstract: In this paper, the requirements of passive leak detection of spacecraf t are analyzed, several dominant methods of passive leak detection in common are reviewed, their advantage, disadvantage and technique state are pointed out. 文摘:分析了航天器被动检漏的具体要求,对常用几种主要被动检漏方法进行了评述,指出了各种被动检漏方法的优、缺点和技术状态。
Abstract: In this paper, the structure and principle to control many pneumatic valve terminals with computer are discussed, and a control and communication method with bus is proposed, which supplies a useful way to control the large pneumatic equipment. 文摘:讨论了计算机控制多个阀岛的结构及原理,提出了一种总线控制结构和通讯方法,为计算机控制大型气动设备提供了一种有效途径。
Abstract: In this paper, the surface of the ore milling roller was quenchedby the laser, so that increase its surface rigidity and improve its antiwear properties, and prolong its life. 文摘:应用激光束对磨辊表面进行淬火处理,提高磨辊表面硬度,增强磨辊的抗磨损性能,从而达到延寿的目的。
Abstract: In this paper, the technological conditions for use of dry binder in zinc smelting process with vertical distillator were presented and the optimal formula of dry binder was proposed through the contrast test of dry to liquid binders. 文摘:叙述了干粉粘合剂在竖罐炼锌生产中应用的条件,并对干粉粘合剂及液体粘合剂进行了对比试验,提出了应用干粉粘合剂的最佳配比。
Abstract: In this paper, the workmanship of reactive sintering of thermal spray coating,microstructure and bonding property are introduced. 文摘:介绍了热喷涂层的中温反应烧结工艺,及其组织结构的特点和涂层结合性能。
Abstract: In this paper, under the limit of system cost, the aseismic optimum design of pipeline system is made to make system aseismic reliability maximum. 文摘:在管网系统总投资限额条件下,以系统抗震可靠度最大为优化目标,进行管网系统的抗震优化设计。
Abstract: In this paper, via analysis and research on the actual working situation of JK3-type vacuum concentrating equipment we have found that reasons of the reduced function of working are the result of that the vacuum degree of work cuts down and isn' 文摘:本文通过对JK3型真空浓缩设备工作性能的研究分析表明:导致其生产能力和蒸发量减少,能耗增加,蒸发温度升高,产品质量下降的主要原因是各效蒸发器工作真空度下降,加热温度和热循环与其不相匹配所致。
Abstract: In this paper, we describe the design and function, application of the power unit controller for mini RF excited CO2 laser, pulse width modulation (PWM) is the convenient way to vary the laser average output power from 1%to 100%of maximum. 文摘:述了小型RF激励CO2激光器的功率控制器设计、功能和应用,根据脉宽调制原理可以方便地把激光功率从1%变化到100%。
Abstract: In this paper, we discuss the design of system development of Open-Continue-Process-CIMS base on softnetwork model with the aid of Network, Object-Oriented, Parallel-Processing and CSCW technology. 文摘:借助于计算机网络、面向对象、并行处理以及计算机协同工作等技术的思想,对构造一个开放型连续流程CIMS系统开发方案设计进行了初步探讨。

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