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Alternatively, the text of a copy of the Prophet delivered in the morning might change as the day wears on with the latest news using something similar to the Protean Charm which Hermione used on the fake Galleons. 另一种选择是,当一天慢慢过去,早上的《预言家日报》会使用类似于赫敏用来伪装加隆的的变化咒,使报上的文章换成最新的新闻。
Alternatively, they may be cautious about the future and have no conviction that the good times will last. 或者,他们对未来充满警惕,并毫无相信美好时光将会持续。
Alternatively, they may rejoin a different part of the same chromosome, or another chromosome, giving a translocation. 如果一个染色体臂的一段移接到另一非同源染色体的臂上的结构变异,这种现象叫做易位。
Alternatively, using the eye itself as the camera would solve the rubbernecking problem, and our chip's 3,600 ganglion-cell outputs should provide near-normal vision. 反过来,用眼睛当摄影机就可以解决这个摇头晃脑的问题,而且我们晶片上3600个节细胞的输出,应该可以提供几近正常的视野。
Alternatively, you can ask a friend to print a copy of a song transcript and then cut each line into a separate strip. 或者,你可以请一位朋友打印一份歌曲文本,然后把各行歌词裁剪成单独的纸条。
Alternatively, you can discard all of your changes, retry all of your changes, or unlink your list from the server. 或者,您可放弃所有更改,重试您的所有更改,或者从服务器取消列表的链接。
Alternatively, you can rent a phone at the airport on arrival, and use a pay-as-you-go(which means exactly what it says) card during your stay. 或者您可以到达时在机场租一部电话,停留期间使用“充值卡”(预付费电话)。
Alternatively, you may choose another item of the same or higher value than the original item purchased. 您也可选择购买其它价目与原本订购产品相同或更昂贵的另一份产品。
Alternatively, you may question your ability really to be of service. 另一方面,你或许会质疑你是不是有服务别人的能力。
Alternatively, “pure” clerical power can use its prerogatives (over sacraments like baptism or marriage or absolution) to exercise authority over everybody else, including worldly rulers. 另一方面,“纯洁”的神职人员势力可以利用其特权(如洗礼,婚姻,赦免等宗教仪式)来强化凌驾于所有人,包括世俗统治者之上的权威。
Alternatives for the New Charles River Dam: The Department of the Army New England Division Corps of Engineers, Charles River Dam, Design Memorandum No. 2,1972. 新查尔斯河堤坝的选择:军队新英格兰分支工程师公司部门,查尔斯河堤坝,设计备忘录第2号,1972.

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