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A physical education teacher cannot simply depend on his/her own sports skills and basic teaching theories to engage in teaching, but should constantly retrospect m specific teaching environment, and only by doing so can he/she combine the theories with t

A photomultiplier can amplify the signal to detectable levels. 光电倍增管可将此讯号放大到可侦测的程度。
A phrase began to beat in my ears with a sort of heady excitement: There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy and the tired.. (中译)我的耳边兴奋的跳出一句警句:“世界上只有追求者,被追求者,忙碌的人和疲倦的人......”
A phrase improvised by a soloist, especially on the guitar or banjo. 小过门一段由独奏演员即兴创作的乐句,尤指在吉它或班卓琴上完成的
A phrase we all use all the time right? 我们每次都会把这句话用在恰当的时候吗?
A physical education teacher assumes his new post at Fushimi first industrial high school in 1974 Kyoto. 故事是发生在一群无可救要的坏学生与一个充满热情的体育老师之间,这位老师曾经是日本国家橄榄球队的队员。
A physical education teacher cannot simply depend on his/her own sports skills and basic teaching theories to engage in teaching, but should constantly retrospect m specific teaching environment, and only by doing so can he/she combine the theories with t 体育教师不能单凭自身的运动技能和基本教学理论从事教学,而是要在具体的教学环境中不断地进行反思,才能把理论和实践有效地结合起来,成为解决问题并实施决策的人,以提高体育教师的专业能力。
A physical examination incidentally revealed an enlarged left scrotum. 理学检查发现左阴囊肿大。
A physical hardware jumper is conflicting with another card. 一个实际的硬件跳线器被以另外的一个卡争执。
A physical or mental disability. 身心的缺陷体力或智力上的无能
A physical sensation produced by compression of a part of the body. 压迫感身体上某一部分由压迫而引起的生理上的感觉
A physical separation between developers and testers. 开发人员和测试员在物理位置上的隔离。

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