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She had never seen such poverty before, and by the same token could not quite believe it.

She had married Robert the coachman, and was very busy with her three young children. 她嫁给了车夫罗伯特,要照顾她的三个小孩,所以很忙。
She had married again when he was seventeen but this had not given him a retroactive father for the twelve-thirteen-fourteen-year-old times of crisis . 当杰里17岁时她再婚了,但这并没有为他带来一个能倒回去重新对他在12、13和14岁转折时刻给予影响的爸爸。
She had married an attorney in Memphis and he had bought her a grand piano. 她嫁给了孟菲斯的一位律师,他给她买了一架大钢琴。
She had never desired to do anything like that. 她从来没希望做这样的事。
She had never seen her mother stirred from her austere placidity, nor her personal appointments anything but perfect, no matter what the hour of day or night. 她从没见过母亲稳重平静的性子激动过,也从没见过她的个人装束不是很得体,无论白天还是晚上。
She had never seen such poverty before, and by the same token could not quite believe it. 她从来没有看到过如此的穷困,而且她也不能相信竟有如此的贫困存在。
She had never set foot in a place as grand as this before. 她以前从没到过这么大的地方。
She had never thought he'd blow up so violently. 她从来没有想到他会生这样大的气。
She had no companions but silence and loneliness. 伴随她的只有寂寞和孤独。
She had no compunction about telling him a lie. 她对于跟他说了谎并没有良心不安。
She had no impact on her advice. 她的劝告对她毫无影响.

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