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“The grist for our mill is still words. Words as they put the sock and soul into the expression of ideas.

“The good husband always does handyman things. “好的丈夫总是很能干。”
“The greater your capacity to love, the greater your capacity to feel the pain. 在爱中你越真诚,在伤痛中你的感受就越深。
“The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding” (Louis D. Brandeis). “对自由最大的危险潜藏于热情、善意但没有良好理解力的人们的隐伏的侵蚀中”(路易斯·D·布兰代斯)。
“The greatest strength and wealth is self-control. 自制是世界上最强大的力量和财富。
“The greatest thing to be achieved in advertising,in my opinion,is believability ,and nothing is more believable than the product itself. 在我认为,做广告最伟大的成就是使人信服;而没有任何东西比产品本身更能说服人。
“The grist for our mill is still words. Words as they put the sock and soul into the expression of ideas. 文字,是我们这行业的利器。文字在意念的表达中,注入热情和灵魂。
“The growth of the [Portuguese] economy should gain momentum in 2006 and 2007, but will remain behind the Euro zone, with the economy still operating well below its potential,” the report says. 报告称:“2006和2007年,葡萄牙经济的增长势头越来越大,但是增幅还落后于欧盟国家,经济潜力还是没有得以发挥”。
“The guy I care for has already had a girl friend. “我爱的那个男孩已经有女朋友了。”
“The hand who rocks the cradle...may rock the world”. “摇摇篮的手啊……可以摇世界。”
“The hard part is not deciding what features to add, it's deciding what to leave out. 最难的部分不是决策应该增加什么功能,而是弄清楚,什么是不该加的不该留着的。
“The heretics were persecuted . . . because their beliefs threatened the vested interest of that day” (James Harvey Robinson). “异教徒受到迫害…因为他们的信仰威胁到了当时既定的利益”(詹姆斯·哈维·罗伯逊)。

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