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There are not any good if all products are saled at a discount.

There are no viable competing technologies that can simply treat, reduce, sanitise and recycle waste on such a cost efficient basis without causing heavy metal emissions to air, ground or water, irrespective of the level of water content in the MSW. 现在还没有可行的技术与之竞争,此技术可以轻而易举地处理、减少、消毒和回收垃圾,并且具有成本效益,而且不会将重金属释放到空气、地面或水中并且不用考虑城市固体垃圾中的水含量。
There are no victims beloved, each species chooses their fate, and all fates dovetail with all others. 这里没有蒙难者,至爱的人类,每个物种都选择自己的命运,而所有命运彼此吻合。
There are no warranties with regard to this information. 关于这数据没有担保。
There are no words in the dictionary that rhyme with: month, orange, purple and silver. 字典中没有任何字能跟月份、橘色、紫色以及银色押韵.
There are normally three methods of transport available, namely, road, rail and plane. 通常有三种可利用的交通方式,即陆路,铁路和航空.
There are not any good if all products are saled at a discount. 把所有的产品都降价出售没有什么好处。
There are not enough engineers and scientists to produce high-tech goods across the board. 全面的看并没有足够的工程师和科学家来生产高科技的产品。
There are not many domestic bonds and bank deposits barely keep pace with inflation. 中国没有多少国内债券可供投资,而银行存款利率几乎跟不上通胀步伐。
There are not many other legitimate options for savings—other than paying bubble-like prices for shares on the Shanghai exchange. 目前,并没有很多可以替代储蓄的正规投资品种,除了在上海证券交易所购买带有泡沫风险的股票。
There are not more than twelve people in the meeting room. 会议室至多不超过十二个人。
There are not two identical leaves in the world. 世界上没有两片完全相同的树叶.

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