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High-sensitive CRP levels were significantly higher in ectatic patients[(. 9± . 0)mg/L]than in controls[(. 90± .0)mg/L](P = 0.0 ).
与对照组相比,冠状动脉扩张组血清中hsCRP升高[(. 9± . 0)mg/L对(. 90± .0)mg/L,P=0.0 ]。

High-Footed Seating of European Style in China 十九世纪流传到中国的欧式高坐具
High-Pressur Equation of State for NaCl NaCl的高压状态方程
High-Tempe rature Alloys : Theory and Design 高温合金:理论与设计
High-efficiency use of Process coner C automatic spooler 高效使用Process coner C新型自动络筒机
High-efficient monocot promoter of Ubiquitin was used and results of enzyme digests and PCR analysis showed that the vector was well established and suitable for the genetic transformation of cereal crops. 选用单子叶植物高效表达启动子玉米Ubiquitin启动子,经酶切、PCR鉴定表明:该载体构建正确,适合于禾谷类作物的遗传转化。
High-sensitive CRP levels were significantly higher in ectatic patients[(. 9± . 0)mg/L]than in controls[(. 90± .0)mg/L](P = 0.0 ). 与对照组相比,冠状动脉扩张组血清中hsCRP升高[(. 9± . 0)mg/L对(. 90± .0)mg/L,P=0.0 ]。
Higher Nursing Care Education should Conform to the Requirements of Nursing Model 按“护理模式”要求办好高等护理教育
Higher degree of THF-α、IL-β is said to contribute to its happen, it has been reported that a singnificantly higher incidence of PIH in gravid women withperiodontal disease than without. 妊娠高血压综合征(pregnancy induced hypertension syndrome,PIH)简称妊高征,是妊娠期特发性疾病,发病率约占全部妊娠的%-0%,世界范围内均有发病。
Highly Squint DBS Imaging 大斜视DBS成像
Highly optically pure sex pheromone of gypsy moth porthetria dispar (7R, 8S)-a was synthesized via asymmetric sharpless epoxidation of a divinylcarbinol (>99% e.e.) and the subsequent chemical transformations in an overall yield of .9%. 双乙烯基甲醇经过Sharpless不对称环氧化反应合成到高光学纯的午毒蛾Porthetria dispar性信息素(7R,8S)-a,对映体过量大于99%,总产率达 .9%。
Hilbert and CohnVossen posed the thread problem and had it related to the Heawood map color conjecture. Hilbert和Cohn Vossen提出过引线问题并将它与Heawood的地图着色猜想联系[].

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