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A pyrokineticist finds both beauty and utility in the chaotic shape of flame, its spectrum of fuel-dependent colors, its warming heat, and its never-ending hunger.

A purposive sampling of 224 subjects including 123 patients and 101 nurses was drawn from four medical centers in Taiwan. 本研究采立意取样,针对4所医学中心,共计224位研究对象参与,含123位癌末病患及101位护理人员。
A purse snatching caught on a tape in Denver. 在丹佛,一次钱包抢劫被录像拍摄了下来。
A purulent exudate is seen beneath the meninges in the brain of this patient with acute meningitis from Streptococcus pneumoniae infection. The exudate obscures the sulci. 急性链球菌感染所致化脓性脑膜炎患者脑膜下可见化脓性渗出物。渗出物使脑沟变浅。
A purveyor of lies. 谎言的传播者
A pyramid of stones marked the spot. 那地点用一堆堆成金字塔形状的石头作了标记。
A pyrokineticist finds both beauty and utility in the chaotic shape of flame, its spectrum of fuel-dependent colors, its warming heat, and its never-ending hunger. 操焰者发现了火焰的狂乱形态中的美和力量,它来自不同燃料的不同光谱,它温暖的热度,以及永无休止的饥渴。
A pyrokineticist is a psionic prestige class. 操焰者是一种心灵异能进阶职业。
A python sits on a road after swallowing a pregnant ewe in the village of Kampung Jabor, about 200 km (124 miles) east of Kuala Lumpur. 马来西亚当地媒体报道,在吉隆坡200公里外的卡米普农加伯尔村,一条巨蟒在活生生地吞下了一头怀孕的母羊后停在马路上。
A quack cure. 庸医般的治疗
A quadrilateral shape (gradually increasing in size as it goes away from the motor) provides the best circulation of air. 这引擎座为四边形形状(从引擎逐渐加大)提供空气的最佳的循环。
A quadruped mammal. 四足哺乳动物

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