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Even if the economics stack up, however, Nautilus and Neptune must overcome concerns over environmental damage.

Even if the Republicans abolish the tax,the Democrats would be sure to bring it back. 即使共和党废除了这种税,民主党将来也一定会恢复它。
Even if the chance is seen as not an important one, it may come to be viewed as referable to none. 即使是被认为是不很重要的机会,但到后来可能会被视为是至关重要的。
Even if the coin toss came out the right way and the party that would have won in a fair trial did win the coin toss, the decision that resulted from the flip of a coin would be criticized as illegitimate. 即使本该在公正审判中获胜的一方以抛硬币的决断方式获胜,我们也同样会指责这种方式得来的结果是不正当的。
Even if the company's finances do deteriorate, it will probably be dropped from the index by the time the six months are up. 即使公司的财务确实恶化,它很有可能在本期的6个月结束后就被从指数中剔除了。
Even if the cost turns out to be negligible, a sense of history and tradition may not be. 就算成本可以忽略不计,历史和传统的意识却不能被遗忘。
Even if the economics stack up, however, Nautilus and Neptune must overcome concerns over environmental damage. 即使经济上的问题堆积如山,鹦鹉螺与海王星公司仍必须克服人们对于环境破坏的关注。
Even if the facts are correct how they are presented maybe questionable. 即使这些事件是真实的,但是发布他们的方式值得商榷。
Even if the facts are correct, how they are presented may be questionable. 即使广告内容属实,其方法也颇具争议性。
Even if the facts are correct, how they are presented maybe(may be) questionable. 即使情况属实,这些广告的播出也是可疑的。
Even if the firm owns the equipment, maintenance will be more time-consuming when the equipment breaks down – while the firm typically has in-house technical resources, off-site workplaces usually do not. 即便公司拥有这些设备,当它们出现故障时维修将花费更多的时间;而公司通常有内部的技术资源,工作场所之外的地方一般则没有。
Even if the guru does not regard himself as an enlightened being and claims that you, as his disciple, gain buddhahood before him, you must still show respect and pay homage to your guru. 即使你的上师并不自认为是已经证悟的圣者并且宣称,做为他的弟子的你已比他早成佛,你仍必需恭敬他并且向你的上师礼敬。

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