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In this paper, the application of advanced composite in space shuttle, aviation engine, radar antenna mask, aviation hot insulation material, space satellite solid rocket engine and strategic missile are discussed.

In this paper, the advantages, structures and luminescence mechanisms of the OLED were introduced, and several parameters to evaluate the OLED were presented. 摘要介绍了有机电致发光器件的优点,器件的几种结构,有机电致发光的机理,以及评价有机电致发光器件的一些主要参数。
In this paper, the algebraic connectivity of trees is determined by grafting; meanwhile the relation between the algebraic connectivity and the diameter of two classes of trees is also determined. 摘要讨论了树的代数连通度。利用移接变形给出树的代数连通度的一种变化关系,同时给出了两类树的代数连通度与直径的关系。
In this paper, the analysis of location, location selection and location superiority is based on the analysis of location capability, which is about the attraction of the polar point to the object of location capability, such as investment, persons with a 摘要区位、区位选择和区位优势分析的基础是该文中提出的区位能,即分析各极点因其区位条件而对区位能客体的吸引力。
In this paper, the anodic materials, wires and fillings used in deep-well anodes for cathodic protection are briefly introduced, the problems of air-resistance and interference in the application are discussed. 摘要文章简要介绍了深井阳极使用的阳极材料、导线和填充料,以及深井阳极运行中存在的气阻、干扰等问题。
In this paper, the application of 3D virtual method in university experimental teaching is discussed from both psychology and pedagogy aspects. The application method is also briefly introduced. 摘要结合高校实验教学和三维虚拟技术的特点,从教育心理学、教育学的角度来探讨三维虚拟技术在高校实验教学中的运用,并对实现的方法进行了简单的介绍。
In this paper, the application of advanced composite in space shuttle, aviation engine, radar antenna mask, aviation hot insulation material, space satellite solid rocket engine and strategic missile are discussed. 摘要讨论了先进复合材料在航天飞机、航空发动机、机用雷达天线罩、航天隔热材料、航天卫星和宇航器、固体火箭发动机壳体、战略导弹等方面的应用情况。
In this paper, the application of the ultrasonic impacting technique to Xihoumen Bridge is presented. 介绍超声波冲击技术在西堠门大桥上的应用情况。
In this paper, the application, research and development of the laser infrared projectors are reviewed. 由于激光技术的快速发展,激光型投影仪的发展也因此具有强劲的势头和宽广前景。
In this paper, the applications in automatic fingerprint identifying of several important methods of pattern recognition theory are discussed, a frame of a practical system for automatic fingerprint identifying is proposed and the results of experiments a 本文讨论了模式识别中几个主要的理论方法在指纹模式识别中的应用问题,并基于模式识别理论给出了一个实际的指纹自动识别系统的软件工程框架和实验结果。
In this paper, the applications of these techniques in the research of apoptosis induced by laser irradiation was introduced. 本文介绍这一技术在激光照射诱导细胞凋亡的研究中的应用。
In this paper, the approaches of load incremental and discrete least square collocation have been employed successfully in the geometrically nonlinear analysis for both stiffened and nonstiffened cylindrical shells. 摘要本文采用载荷增量-最小二乘配点法分析圆柱壳体和纵、横向加筋圆柱壳的几何非线性问题。

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