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In years or over years,the excellent and good rate of high tibial osteotomy together with middle part fibulae osteotomy was respectively 8.% and .9%,high tibial osteotomy together with caput fibulae osteotomy 8.8% and 8.%.
胫骨高位截骨连同腓骨中段截骨年以内及年以后随访的优良率分别为8.%、9.%; 胫骨高位截骨连同腓骨小头截骨年以内及年以后随访的优良率分别为8.7%、8.%。

In century China will be faced with the employment problems of unemployed workers and rural surplus labor, especially to tickle the employment problem of isolated weakpeasants in large cities. 世纪我国将继续面临来自大量的城市下岗职工与农村剩余劳动力的就业问题,特别是如何解决好来自农村并在城市中游离的弱势农民的就业问题更是引起各方面的关注。
In 7 out of 8 postoperative cases, lung cancer was found coexisted with tubercular cheesy necrot-ic focus in the same lobe or segment. 果 例痰结核菌和痰癌细胞同时阳性未作手术治疗,8例手术患者7例大体标本及镜检均见肺癌与干酪坏死性结核灶或结节灶并发于同一部位、同一肺或同一肺段.
In -week group, left endite was atrophied and growth of tumor was inhibited. The maximal diameter of tumor was smaller than that in positive control group [(. ±0.), ( .9±0. 7) cm, t=.7, P < 0.00]. 瘤体移植 周后门静脉阻断组动物左内叶明显萎缩,肿瘤的生长明显受抑制,其瘤体最大径明显小于阳性对照组[分别为(.±0.),( .9±0. 7)cm,t=.7,P<0.00]。
In arrhythmia cordis cases,the ultrafiltrate dehydration in 7 cases overtook .0 kg(.8%). 例次心律失常中 7例次超滤脱水量大于 .0kg( .8% )。
In ragweed pollen-sensitive subjects with autumnal asthamtic attacks, intradermal test was positive in 88.%( 9/)of the cases and HRBT(histamine-release- from-basophil test)was positive in 70.% of the cases. 花粉皮试阳性组豚草茎叶浸出液皮试阳性率为88.%( 9/),HRBT阳性率为70.%( /)。
In years or over years,the excellent and good rate of high tibial osteotomy together with middle part fibulae osteotomy was respectively 8.% and .9%,high tibial osteotomy together with caput fibulae osteotomy 8.8% and 8.%. 胫骨高位截骨连同腓骨中段截骨年以内及年以后随访的优良率分别为8.%、9.%; 胫骨高位截骨连同腓骨小头截骨年以内及年以后随访的优良率分别为8.7%、8.%。
In -month fellow-up,regular miction,erectile capability and partly sensation were achieved. 经术后个月随访,再植成活的阴茎勃起功能恢复,无尿道狭窄表现,龟头部皮肤恢复部分感觉。
In cases of mucoid adenocarcinoma and 0 cases of signet ring cell carcinoma, there was a marked reduction of mueoitin sulfate with an increase in sialic acid mucus. 例粘液腺癌和 0例印戒细胞癌,硫酸粘液显著减少,唾酸粘液明显增多。
In 7 cases of middle ear malformation with stricture of external acoustic meatus the malformation rate of facial nerve was 0.0%(/7), and that for chorda tympani . %(0/7). 外耳道狭窄伴中耳畸形7例中,面神经畸形率为0.0%(/7),鼓索神经畸形率为 . %(0/7);
In 8 cases of them, the HRP-AChE double labeled and HRP single-labelcd neurons in these segments of the spinal cord were tarced with Mesulam's histochemical technique. 其中8只在小脑内注射HRP后,按Mesulam组化法追踪腰、骶、尾髓各节段的HRP-AChE双标及HRP单标神经元;
In 80 adult upper limbs, the fibrous bridge of the extensor carpi radialis brevis and arcade of supinator were all found, while the triceps brachii bridge and the brachioradialis bridge were present in 8 sides(0%) and sides(.%) respectively. 在80侧成人上肢中均可见到桡侧腕短伸肌纤维桥及旋后肌弓,有肱三头肌纤维桥的8侧(0%),肱桡肌纤维桥的 侧(.%)。

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