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It is found in great amount of related literatures and datum that those common sports traumas in dragon-wielding are wrenching of joint ligamenta,sarcous pull,contusion of muscle and bone,tired trauma of muscle,periostitis,exarticulation and so on.

It is concluded that through the examples of stencil printing and electroplating wafer bumping describe the current status of lead-free alternatives for advanced interconnection technology,reliable lead-free technologies are available. 从而说明,通过漏印板印刷和电镀的晶圆片凸点形成技术事例,证明可靠的无铅化技术是适合的。
It is considered that the MOA is deemed normal when IRIP /IX<0% at energized testing. 认为带电测试时,当IRIP/IX<0%,可判断避雷器是正常运行的。
It is due to the family disintegration from its social and economic functions that civil society as res publica bas been declining and aven disappearing,and this means the end of free capitalism. 由于家庭社会经济功能的解体 ,市民社会暨公共领域逐渐开始萎缩甚至消失 ,这意味着自由资本主义的终结。
It is expected that the dimension of cubicle type GIS can be further reduced if the SF/air (90/0)gas mixture is used. 因此在气体绝缘开关柜中采用混合比为90/0的SF_/空气混合气体,可望使开关柜尺寸进一步缩小。
It is explained the manufactured process difficulty and the settled method based on standard GB 78—998"Non Refilled Metallic Gas Cylinder for Industry",the design and manufactured experience. 依据GB 78—998《工业用非重复充装焊接钢瓶》标准,结合设计和制造实践,综合阐述了该钢瓶的制造工艺难点及解决方法。
It is found in great amount of related literatures and datum that those common sports traumas in dragon-wielding are wrenching of joint ligamenta,sarcous pull,contusion of muscle and bone,tired trauma of muscle,periostitis,exarticulation and so on. 发现舞龙运动中常见运动损伤为关节韧带扭伤、肌肉拉伤、肌肉、骨头挫伤、肌肉劳损、骨膜炎、骨脱臼等。
It is found that the flow in April depends first on snowfall which have snowed before, secondly on the temperature of April; 发现月份流量主要取决于前期降雪、积雪量,其次是当月的气温高低;
It is found that the main factors having influence on the jarring effect inelude the funetions of the tool,the pattern of drillstem assembly, and the down-hole condition of the well in operation. 现场使用情况表明,影响震效的主要因素有震击器的性能、钻具配套和施工井井况等。
It is found that there are two narrow nonducted propagation outlets of whistler-mode wave at about 9° N and °N, their starting regions are in the area of storm activity. 果表明,在约9°N和°N处有两个很窄的哨声波非导传播出口点,相应射线起点都在雷电活动区.
It is found the suprasternal space should be enclosed by the superficial layer of the deep cervical fasciae and the fasciae of the infrahyoid muscles, rather than the past opinion of the textbook. 得出胸骨上间隙应是由颈深筋膜浅层和舌骨下肌筋膜围成,而不同于以往教科书中描述的由颈深筋膜浅层分为两层附着于胸骨形成。
It is futile to avoid this sensitive topic, instead, it ought to be exposed in order to safeguard women's lawful rights and supreme dignity. 对这一敏感话题采取回避态度是无益的 ,而应该将之暴露在阳光之下 ,维护妇女的合法权益和至高无上的尊严。

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