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By day they meet with darkness, And grope at noon as in the night.

By Jove,the speaker blurted out, you will have to excuse me. I forgot the name of the bloomingwoman. “天哪”他甩出这几句,“您得原谅我。我忘了这‘该死的’女人的名字啦。”
By a great force my garment is distorted; It binds me about as the collar of my coat. 伯30:18因神的大力、我的外衣污秽不堪.又如里衣的领子将我缠住。
By all means,she urged, batting her lashes eagerly. “讲吧,”她催促着,殷切地眨着眼睫毛。
By any measure, the administration has been classifying documents at a dizzying pace. Under this administration, more agencies have been given authority to classify documents. “通过各种手段,政府已经以令人措不及防的速度将档案分类处理。在这种行政管理之下,更多的机构获得授权对档案进行分类处理。”
By battling they can take great credit and think in the morning that they've come to place this, shown their mettle and got their just rewards for it. “通过作战他们可以得到巨大的荣誉,在早上他们会想起这点,显示他们的精神并得到他们应有的奖励。
By day they meet with darkness, And grope at noon as in the night. 伯5:14他们白昼遇见黑暗、午间摸索、如在夜间。
By itself (with a smile, almost an outright laugh): The truth of the matter is far more spectacular. “自言自语(带着微笑,差不多大笑):事物的真相远更宏伟壮观。
By me kings reign, And rulers decree justice. 箴8:15帝王藉我坐国位.君王藉我定公平。
By me princes rule, and nobles, All who judge rightly. 箴8:16王子和首领、世上一切的审判官、都是藉我掌权。
By the simple silence of thy purity,answered the sun. 太阳答:“只要静静地,用你的纯洁来表达你的崇拜。”
By the swords of the mighty ones I will cause your hordes to fall; all of them are tyrants of the nations, And they will devastate the pride of Egypt, And all its hordes will be destroyed. 结32:12我必藉勇士的刀使你的众民仆倒、这勇士都是列国中强暴的.他们必使埃及的骄傲归于无有.埃及的众民必被灭绝。

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