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The thrill of picking up an AM station in the earpiece is something I still remember.

The thrill is gone! 激情逝去!
The thrill is gone. 了解你已逝去.
The thrill of being in Hainan wore off when it rained day after day. 一天天地下雨,呆子海南的新鲜劲儿也就没了。
The thrill of climbing the winner's podium. 登上冠军宝座的喜悦。
The thrill of finding a bargain, the joy of purchasing the perfect pair of shoes. 如那种找到便宜货时的兴奋,或是那种挑到一双理想的鞋子时的快乐。
The thrill of picking up an AM station in the earpiece is something I still remember. 当我接收到AM信号时,不禁欣喜若狂,至今仍记忆犹新。
The thrill of risk is like heartbreak to one who has not loved and lost; to the uninitiated, reading about it doesn't really give you the idea. 对从未爱过或者没有经历过的人,这种冒险的刺激像心碎的感觉。
The thrills and spectacle of the annual London Marathon have already made the city's historic and iconic landmarks familiar to millions across the world. 每年伦敦的马拉松比赛壮观的景象已经使这个城市的历史和标志性景观为成千上万的世人所熟知。
The thriving races are striving for a decisive derivation of their deprived rights. 发展中的种族们正奋斗着,以期能获得对他们失去权利决定性的来源。
The throne is but a piece of wood covered with velvet. 皇帝的宝座不过是一块盖着天鹅绒的木头。
The throne is mounted on a stage-like platform. 御座是放在像戏台一样的台上。

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