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The company is specialized in the production of small diameter valve suitable for electrical station as well as sampling device and automatic feeding device for firepower electric plant, stop valve for high temperature and high pressure condition, throttl

The company is specialized in environmental antipollution equipment. 公司是专业生产环境污染防治设备的专业厂家。
The company is specialized in manufacturing special-used Halogen Lamps, Mercury Lamps, Sodium Lamps, Ultraviolet Germicidal Lamps, Metal Lamps, etc. 公司的产品制作精良,远销东南亚、欧美等国家和地区。
The company is specialized in producing of mesh-belt continuous sintering furnace、pusher-type high temperature sintering furnace、steel-belt iron powder refining reduction furnace(electric-heating RBO furnace and direct gas-burning heating RBO furnace are 目前生产项目有:网带式连续烧结炉、推杆式高温烧结炉、蒸汽处理炉、钢带式铁粉还原炉(电加热、气体燃烧直接加热RBO型均生产)、加压钟罩炉、渗碳淬火炉及各种辅助设备。
The company is specialized in producing pigging instruments, insulation joints and non-standard equipments used in pipelines. 公司是生产管道清管设备、绝缘接头以及管道用非标设备的专业股份制企业。
The company is specialized in producing the parts of earplug, MP3, earphone, mobile, handset-free, computer silicon earphone and so on. 本公司是一家专业生产耳塞、MP3、耳机、手机、免提、电脑硅胶耳机等配件企业。
The company is specialized in the production of small diameter valve suitable for electrical station as well as sampling device and automatic feeding device for firepower electric plant, stop valve for high temperature and high pressure condition, throttl 公司主要专业生产小口径电站阀门及火力发电厂的炉内化学检测集中取样装置、炉内自动加药装置,高温高压截止阀,高温高压限流阀,反压式高效冷却器,双螺杆减压阀、微调阀等取样装置件和石油化工行业使用的管道闸阀,截止阀,隔膜阀,承插式快速接头,球阀及各种特殊阀门,仪表接头等。
The company is specialized mainly in producing sticker , color sticker/brand, PC, PET, Acrylic, AL nameplate, computerized barcode, insulative material molding, critically silk –printing and user manuals . 公司主要从事不干胶商标/贴纸,彩色贴纸/商标,PC,PET,压克力,AL铭板,,电脑条码,绝缘材料成型,精密网印,说明书等生产。
The company is specializing in developing and making diamond tools. 公司的业务范围是生产、开发与销售各种金刚石超硬工具。
The company is specializing in the production of Cold Drawn Seamless Steel Tubes, with a mill covers an area of 49,070 square meters. There are more than 400 employees including 10% technical engineers. 本公司专业生产制造冷拔无缝钢管,公司现有职工380人,技术人员35人,公司占地面积49070平方米,其中仓库面积2200平方米,固定资产5000万元,年生产冷拔无缝钢管50000吨。
The company is starting to make inroads into the lucrative soft-drinks market. 公司开始对赚钱的无酒精饮料市场做出努力。
The company is still 100% owned by the Gancia family, now in the fifth generation. 公司仍然是100%归嘉琪亚家族所有,现在已经是第5代。

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