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Saving the mixing and solidifying time, the new type of mechanical anchoring bolt can greatly improve the construction speed of roadway of fully mechanized working face.

Saving is the greatest luxury good of all. 储蓄是所有商品中最奢侈的。
Saving it for retirement or a rainy day brings together a variety of positive emotions that can lead to happiness, such as anticipation and expectation, a sense of delayed gratification and reward. 为退休,或哪天天有不测而存钱会把各式各样最终能带来快乐的积极情绪聚集到一起,例如,期望和指望,延期的满足感和奖励感。
Saving people and insist nationalism. 拯救人民,坚持民族主义。
Saving production time and lasts because of fast freezening. 冷冻快更节省制造时间,节约鞋楦.
Saving the child's life was a heroic act. 抢救那孩子的生命是英勇的行为。
Saving the mixing and solidifying time, the new type of mechanical anchoring bolt can greatly improve the construction speed of roadway of fully mechanized working face. 同树脂锚杆相比,新型机械锚杆节省了安装、搅拌树脂和等待树脂凝固时间,大大提高了综采工作面巷道施工速度。
Saving the tuatara is a matter of pride among New Zealand's indigenous groups. The animals are revered by the Maori as a taonga, or treasure. 拯救大蜥蜴在新西兰土著部落里是一件荣耀的事情。这种动物被毛利人视宝贵财富。
Saving weight would also help. 减少重量同样会有所帮助。
Saving your presence, I don't think the suggestion is very sensible. 请恕我直言,我认为这个建议不太合情理。
Saving, updating, and deleting information stored in a database. 保存、更新、删除储存在数据库中的信息。
Savings/time optional deposit in foreign currency are registered deposit without fixed amount, without definite maturity, whose interest rate varies in line with the length of maturity. 定活两便存款外币定活两便存款是一种不确定存期,利率随存期长短而变动的记名式不定额存款。

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