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If I overpay I won't be able to make a profit in the future.

If I miss this train I'll catch the next one. 如果我错过了这班火车,就赶乘下一班。
If I must boast, I will boast of the things of my weakness. 30我若必须夸口,就要夸我软弱的事。
If I must deceive myself, I should prefer to stay on side of confidence, for I shall lose no more there and shall suffer less. 假如我非欺骗自己不可,我宁愿是在信心方面,因为我在其中不会失去更多,反而会因此少点痛苦。
If I need you to come and help I'll call. 如果我需要你来帮忙,我会打电话的。
If I overindulge I will think of past hungers. 纵情享受时,我要记得挨饿的日子。
If I overpay I won't be able to make a profit in the future. 如果我超付了,那么我就不能得到利益了。
If I owned texas and hell, I'd rent out Texas and live in hell. 如果得克萨斯州与地狱是我的,我会把得克萨斯州租出去而住进地狱里。
If I owned the Hong Kong Island, I would turn it into a big orchard. 如果我拥有香港岛,我会把它变成一个大果园。
If I partake with thankfulness, why am I slandered concerning that for which I give thanks? 林前10:30我若谢恩而吃、为甚麽因我谢恩的物被人毁谤呢。
If I partake with thankfulness, why am I spoken evil of concerning that for which I give thanks? 30我若感恩着分受,为什么在我所感谢的物上被人毁谤?
If I participate by observing , I do it for myself. 假如我藉观察来参与,我是为自己而观察。

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