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In order to make sure of the facts of the crime and charge successfully, the prosecutor always use the testimony of the codefendant as the evidence against other criminal defendant in the proceeding of some serious crimes.

In order to make mental health work better in real earnest, we should strength scientific research of mental health education, form actively mechanism of mental diseases prevention and crisis intervention, and train professional teachers of mental health 针对这些问题,应从提高心理健康教育的科学性和有效性,以预防和发展为主,大力开展心理健康教育工作,积极构建心理疾病预防和危机干预机制,建设专业化的大学生心理健康教育队伍等方面入手,切实改进和加强大学生心理健康教育工作。
In order to make new optical devices with photonic crystal, three reflective phase compensators made of 1-D photonic crystals are investigated with transfer matrix method and numerical value calculation. 摘要为了制作新的光子晶体器件,采用传输矩阵法,通过数值计算,研究了3种一维光子晶体制作的反射型相位补偿器。
In order to make our products safer, we have cooperated with the suppliers and set up strict systems of material testing and checking and accepting, providing the technology guidance to the growers doing fixed-date testing for growing soil of material and 爲了使産品更安全,我们与供应商合作建立严格的原料检测、验收体系,对种植户进行技术指导,每年对原料生长的土壤和供水进行定期检测,以确保重金属、农药残留物完全控制在国家标准以内,使金三角牌天然色素完全符合安全、健康的要求。
In order to make proper adjustment of the malfunctioned part, it is important to know the reason to the loss in cleaning. 若要对故障部分作适当调节,先得了解清扫中产生损失的原因,这一点很重要。
In order to make real steps toward fulfilling our ultimate, big, splashy dreams, we have to start with concrete objectives. 为了使我们的伟大炫目的终极梦想成为现实,我们必须从具体的事情做起。
In order to make sure of the facts of the crime and charge successfully, the prosecutor always use the testimony of the codefendant as the evidence against other criminal defendant in the proceeding of some serious crimes. 摘要在某些重大案件的刑事追诉过程中,为了查明案情,实现成功追诉,控方经常利用同案被告的证言作为指控其他刑事被告的证据。
In order to make sure, I think you should have a three-glass urine test made as well as an examination of the prostatic secretion. 为了明确诊断,你要作一次“三杯尿”试验,同时做前列腺液检查。
In order to make sustainable development of gold industry in China countermeasures should be taken in future, such as strengthening exploration for increment of minable gold reserves, enhancing geoscience researches for seizing large-superlarge gold depos 为保证我国黄金生产可持续发展,加强金矿资源勘查,增加可采储量;加强地质科学研究,寻找大型-超大型金矿床;强化资源管理,科学、合理利用资源,提高资源利用水平是应采取的主要对策和措施。
In order to make the above goal to come true, we can make use of automatic-choosing forecasting models with the help of computers; furthermore we can achieve intellectualized forecasting. 利用计算机软件程序化的自动选择预测的模型,进而做到科学的智能化预测,是实现这一目标的一个突破点。
In order to make the agriculture and rural economy of this area keep on fast, persistent and stable developing, it must be on the basis of controlling soil erosion and improving eco-environment, and on the advanced science and technology to combine enhanc 从渭北旱原资源开发历史和经验中可得出,该区域实现农业和农村经济持续发展的途径和措施是:以提高水资源利用效率为中心,以挖掘资源潜力、充分发挥资源优势为基础,以科技进步为先导,着力提高农业产业技术水平,以控制水土流失、改善生态环境为前提,把增加重要农产品产量与增加农民收入统一起来。
In order to make the arrangement of human resources in the world more effective and bring more benefits to developing countries, it is advisable to find out the feature and regularity of the presence of natural person and recognize the restraints that dev 正确认识自然人流动的特点及其规律性,认识发达国家对自然人进入其市场的条件限制,并通过在世贸组织中的谈判,减少自然人流动在国际服务贸易中受到的限制和遇到的障碍,可以促进人力资源在世界范围内的更有效配置,增加发展中国家的利益。

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