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In China, the regulation system is established based on supply-oriented forces, thus the arrangement of standards-setter and standards setting process are critical to regulation policies efficiently carried out by the management of enterprises.

In China, the latest country to fall for the delusion that corporate size means commercial strength, small family businesses lose to state-owned behemoths in the competition for capital. 中国是沉迷于企业规模就是商业实力这一幻觉的最新的一个国家,因而,在吸引资金的竞争中,中国的小型家族企业根本不是国有大型企业的对手。
In China, the lawful position of proprietor committee is not clear, especially the position of interested party, thus many problems emerge in practice. 我国关于业主委员会法律地位规定的模糊,尤其是当事人地位规定的缺失,导致实践中诸多问题。
In China, the opening of a gift in front of the giver is considered improper behavior. 在中国,当着送礼人打开礼物是不妥之举。
In China, the press and publication industry is the battle field of propagandizing ideas of CCP, the basic carrier of advanced culture and a rising industry of creating material and spiritual wealth. 在中国,新闻出版业是党的宣传思想阵地,是先进文化的基本载体,是创造精神财富和物质财富的新兴产业。
In China, the real estate finance is partitioned into four stages: first, non-finance stage (1949-1977); second, sprouting stage (1978-1997); third, inceptive stage (1998-2004) and the fourth, developing stage (2005-), and it is distinguished from the fin 结合中国房地产金融发展,将中国房地产金融发展分为四阶段:1)无房地产金融阶段(1949-1977年);2)萌芽阶段(1978-1997年);3)起步阶段(1998-2004年);4)发展阶段(2005年后)。
In China, the regulation system is established based on supply-oriented forces, thus the arrangement of standards-setter and standards setting process are critical to regulation policies efficiently carried out by the management of enterprises. 在我国以供给为主导建立会计信息披露管制制度的过程中,会计准则制定主体的代表性和会计准则制定程序的充分性是激发利益集团的管制需求,以形成均衡管制政策进而得以顺利实施的关键问题。
In China, the species diversity of Myxomycetes in the north temperate regions is well known, but that in the tropical and subtropical regions is still inadequately known and will become a key research point in the future. 研究表明,中国北温带地区粘菌多样性比较明了,但热带和亚热带地区的物种多样性研究是滞后的,不过这也是此领域在未来研究的重点。
In China, the varieties of enzyme preparation continuously increased, but the state standards for enzyme preparations were not perfect yet. 我国酶制剂产品品种不断增加,但国家标准尚不健全。
In China, there are countless equally like sailing crowd. 在中国,同样有无数喜欢帆船运动的人群。
In China, they “made mistakes”, suffered by them, acknowledged and studied them, thus planned victory. 在中国,他们“犯过错误”,吃过错误的亏,承认错误,研究错误,从而制定了胜利的方针。
In China, we have dinner with chopsticks and spoon, but in western, people use fork and knife to have dinner. 在中国,吃饭用的是筷子和汤勺;在西方,吃饭用的是刀和叉。

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