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Add mince to 1) and cook until brown.

Add lubricant to the transmission parts regularly as it runs. 运行时请定期给各传动部位加润滑油。
Add lubricant to the transmission parts regularly.Check the sealing filler of the vlave regularly .Complemetn or change filler avoiding leakage of medium. 定期给阀门的传动部位加润滑油。定期检查阀的密封填料处,补充、更换填料以防介质外泄。
Add lubricant to transmission part when valve is long stored. It should not be placed or piled up in the open air. 若长期存放应使设备处于关闭状态,各传动部位应加润滑油,不允许露天存放或堆置。
Add milk and sugar to taste. 随你的囗味加牛奶和糖。
Add milk, potatoes, and 5 cups water. Bring to a boil; reduce heat, and simmer, covered, until potatoes are almost tender, about 8 minutes. 加入牛奶,土豆和5杯水。加热至沸腾,减小火,盖上盖子慢炖大约8分钟,直到土豆基本上熟透。
Add mince to 1) and cook until brown. 把肉碎加入1)中、炒到边茶色为止。
Add monitors, in order to let guarders supervise each important field from time to time. like on every productive lay shelves, the dangerous chemical prodcuts, the valuables need to be monitored, preventing from losing,loss and accident, which makes the w 增加监控器,让保安能够时时监控各个重要区域,如各个产品放置货架,危险化学品,贵重物品需要被监控,防止丢失,造成损失和引起事故.使整个公司能够处于有效的控制之中.
Add more water or flour if necessary to achieve this consistency. 用瓷勺将其拌成和煎饼一样厚稠的面糊状。
Add new profile in Settings / Connectivity / Device mgmt., possibly to enable phone-based firmware updates. 在设备管理菜单中增加了一些新的信息.,有可能允许基于电话的固件更新.
Add olive oil to frying pan. Heat pan. Add chicken thigh and fry until 70% done. Remove. 下少许橄榄油于煎镬上,烧热后下鸡扒,煎至七成熟,盛起。
Add one examination platform, make transfers distance of every site to be the best position. 增设一个检测平台,将各岗位的转序距离调至最佳位置。

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