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According to the reviewers, about 80 percent of women who undergo in vitro fertilization will reach the embryo transfer stage with good-quality embryos, but “only a small proportion will then go on to achieve a clinical pregnancy and fewer will achieve a

According to the results, students have the best accuracy of word recognition when the Chinese character has a different pronunciation than the phonetic component and have the worst accuracy of word recognition when the Chinese character has the same pron 依据此研究之发现,教师对学生在造字原则上的发展有一初步了解,并可依据这些发现,进一步发展出适当的教学方法或课程,以期促进学生的识字能力发展。
According to the results, the author put forth the theory of Canal System of the Meniscus, and consequently the theory of Synovial Fluid Propulsion System, through which the menisci gained the nutrition. 因此,据此实验结果提出“半月板管道系统”理论,进而提出半月板营养获得的“滑液推动系统”理论。
According to the results, the pot experiment was carried out by the Soil and Fertilizer Institute, CAAS in greenhouse. 根据这一结果,在中国农科院土肥所的温室中进行了盆栽试验。
According to the retirement pension balance model based on the national life tables, the retirement paper analyzes relative factors affecting the retirement pension balance on the background of the new policies. 摘要根据《全国人口生命表》和2005年颁发的《国务院关于完善企业职工基本养老保险制度的决定》,建立了养老保险基金收支平衡模型,分析了在新政策的背景下,各相关因素对基金收支平衡的影响。
According to the review of the history and the present condition of the development along the river in Nanjing, and the analysis of the landscape resources condition of Nanjing, it points out the urban construction of Nanjing should strengthen the charact 通过分析南京滨水发展的历史、南京滨江发展的现状、滨江景观资源条件,进一步提出了南京滨江城市应体现的特色和滨江景观规划建设的思路,并对滨江景观建设的保障措施提出了建议。
According to the reviewers, about 80 percent of women who undergo in vitro fertilization will reach the embryo transfer stage with good-quality embryos, but “only a small proportion will then go on to achieve a clinical pregnancy and fewer will achieve a 根据评价人员的说法,大约80%接受体外受精的女性会具有发育完好胚胎而进入胚胎移植期,但是“只有小部分可以继续完成临床怀孕,并且有较少女性可以达到婴儿安全出生。”
According to the risk trait in construction projects, bidding and risk factor in the process of contract, we discussed that modern construction enterprises must attach important to all kinds of risk factors and provide reference for researching the origin 本文从建设工程风险的特点、投标及承包过程的风险因素等方面论述了现代施工企业在投标与承包过程中应重视的各种风险因素,为现代施工企业研究风险的来源、因素、模式、类别,确定风险分散、规避、防范、转移的策略与方法提供一定的参考。
According to the rule, you have to pay for the damages. 对路产造成的损失,您需要按章赔偿。
According to the rules, taking care of the cash in hand and the documents of value. 根据规定保管公司库存现金,有价证券及文件。
According to the safety problems in earthquake for the modern urban areas, some main problems are analysed and the safety precontrol countermeasures of the modern urban lifeline system are put forward in this paper, in order to improve the capacity of dis 摘要根据现代城市抗震防灾要求,分析现代城市抗震防灾需要研究解决的主要问题,提出现代城市生命线系统抗震减灾对策及具体的安全预控措施,从而提高城市的抗震防灾能力。
According to the sample area survey;there are 120 species of plants belonging to 84 gener 47families in the 25-year-old chinese fir plantation community which will succeed toward the direction simi-ler to the community type before the felling of evergreen 据样地调查,该25年生杉木人工林群落的植物有41科84属120种,群落的外貌特征以包括藤本在内的高位芽占绝对优势,叶特征以革质,单叶,中小型叶为主,由于该群落的幼树层以米储和木荷等占优势,若让其自然发展或杉木林采伐后不炼山,并排除其它人为干扰,该群落将向与常绿阔叶林采伐前的群落类型相似的方向演替。

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