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The latest constructing machine and the newest technology were adopted to ensure that the borehole is perpendicular to the rock face of roof and that the depth of borehole and the torsional moment of the anchoring bolt meet the design requirement.

The latest census, just completed, indicates that a whopping 46 percent of Americans will suffer from a mental disorder during their lifetime. 而最近刚刚完成的人口普查表明,46%的美国人都患有或曾经患有心理疾病。
The latest changes in college English teaching were introduced. New challenges faced by the current college English teaching were analyzed. And the related countermeasures were discussed. 摘要介绍了大学英语教学的最新动态,分析了目前大学英语教学所面临的挑战,探讨了大学英语教学应对挑战所采取的策略。
The latest circulation figures, released yesterday, revealed more grim news – particularly for big-city papers. 昨日公布的最新发行量数据透露出更为可怕的信息——特别是对于大城市的报纸而言。
The latest computer model embodies many new features. 最新型的计算机具备许多新功能.
The latest concessions mark a significant retreat from the President's hardline polick. 最新的让步从总统强硬路线策略明显表示一个重要的退让。
The latest constructing machine and the newest technology were adopted to ensure that the borehole is perpendicular to the rock face of roof and that the depth of borehole and the torsional moment of the anchoring bolt meet the design requirement. 采用最新锚杆施工机具及工艺,保证钻孔垂直于顶板岩面,孔深及锚杆扭矩满足新型机械锚杆的设计要求。
The latest contribution to this feverish debate is a report released this week by Britain's Treasury, called the “Gowers Review of Intellectual Property”. 对此激烈争论有所新贡献的是本周由英国财政部发表的一份报告,名为“高尔论知识产权”。
The latest deal, for instance, must link the reduction of America's car tariffs to the number of American cars sold in South Korea. 最新的一项,例如,最近与韩国签订的协议必须附加条件,促使韩国做出与美国汽车在韩销量相对应的关税下调。
The latest development is the use of the virtual office to provide essential back-up facilities to the self-employed. 目前,虚拟办公室的最新进展是用来为个体经营者提供基本的支持设备。
The latest developments are broadly consistent with Japan's gradual transition from deflation to mild inflation. 最近日本的经济消息与经济逐渐由通缩转至温和通胀的走势。
The latest developments confirmed me in my belief. 最新的发展使我坚信我的信仰。

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