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The SRIIL is in the process of building a very good international law library.

The SQF Codes, based on universally accepted CODEX Alimentarius HACCP Guidelines, offers the food sector a way to manage food safety and quality simultaneously. SQF文件,以HACCP为基础,为食品工业提供了同时管理食品安全和质量的途径。
The SQL you input is wrong. 您输入了错误的SQL语句。
The SR Flip-Flop is a circuit with two cross-coupled NOR gates or two cross-coupled NAND gates. 置位/复位触发器是带有两个............的或非门或与非门的电路。
The SRB claimed earlier this month that it had 1.3m tonnes of copper. But copper traders remain sceptical it holds that amount. 国储局表示这个月初期有1300万吨的铜,但是交易商怀疑是否能保持这个总数。
The SRIIL has a small research staff of high quality with research interests in public international law, international economic law and private international law. 研究所现有一个小而精的科研团队,研究方向包括国际公法,国际经济法,和国际私法。
The SRIIL is in the process of building a very good international law library. 研究所正在组建一个很好的国际法图书馆。
The SRIIL is the host to important editors of international law, including the Editor-in-Chief of the Chinese Journal of International Law, an Oxford journal published in association with the Chinese Society of International Law; an editor of the Oxford o 研究所是重要的国际法编辑的东道主,包括:《中国国际法论刊》的主编(该刊是牛津大学出版社与中国国际法学会合作出版的);牛津大学出版社《国际法在国内法庭之适用》编辑;哈特出版社的“中国与国际经济法系列丛书”的编辑;及其他的国际写作项目的编辑。
The SRLI consisted of three sections, a motivation section, an action control section, and a cognition section. 量表包含动机、行动控制、认知三个部份,全量表有23个分量表,共138题,施测时间大的40分钟。
The SSMA series products are as little small-scale connection device that a kind of whorl joined, it has the characteristics that the size is small, width, light, dependability are high frequently, Suitable for being small-scale electronic equipment and n SSMA系列产品是一种螺纹连接的微小型连接器,它具有尺寸小、频带宽、重量轻、可靠性高的特点,适用于对重量、体积有要求的高精度的小型电子设备及网络系统。
The SSMC series products are a kind of a little small-scale whorl joining, the characteristic such as being reliable that it is small, light, joins , Join the coaxial cable of the radio frequency suitably in the instrument and equipment of miniaturization SSMC系列产品是一种微小型螺纹连接式连接器,它具有体积小、重量轻、连接可靠等特点,适用在小型化的仪器设备中连接射频同轴电缆。
The SSO should then ensure to take the relevant measures and keep liaison with the PFSO. 船舶保安员(SSO)负责实施相应的保安措施并与港口设施保安员(PFSO)保持联系。

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