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As a matter of fact only the first plane should be lit, because all the others should fall in the shadow of the first.

As a matter of course,he was elected mayor. 他当选市长是理所当然。
As a matter of customer service, the redressal of complaint should be in place without any loss of time. 作为客户服务的一项重要内容,分行应及时对投诉采取补救措施,不得拖延时间。
As a matter of fact ,he hasn't been feeling too well. 事实上,他一直感觉身体不适。
As a matter of fact he isn't really satisfied with the hotel service. 事实上, 他对旅馆的服务不尽满意。
As a matter of fact most disputes can be settled in a friendly way, with a view to developing a long-term relationship. 事实上大部分纠纷可以用发展长久关系的眼光和友好的方式去解决。
As a matter of fact only the first plane should be lit, because all the others should fall in the shadow of the first. 实际上只有第一个平面应该被照亮,因为其它平面都在第一个平面的阴影里。
As a matter of fact, I am very fond of housework. 说实在的,我很喜欢家务活。
As a matter of fact, I bought a copy of it this afternoon. 事实上,这书我今天下午也买了一本。
As a matter of fact, I didn't know him at all. 事实上,我根本不认识他。
As a matter of fact, I didn't notice his haircut. 事实上我并没注意到他理了发。
As a matter of fact, I don't have any decent clothes. 事实上,我根本没有什么像样的衣服。

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