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[bbe] This is to be done for every young ox and for every male sheep or he-lamb or young goat.

[bbe] This he put into the pot, and everything which came up on the hook the priest took for himself. 将叉子往罐里,或鼎里,或釜里,或锅里一插,插上来的肉,祭司都取了去。
[bbe] This is he of whom I said, One is coming after me who is put over me because he was in existence before me. 这就是我曾说、有一位在我以后来、反成了在我以前的.因他本来在我以前。
[bbe] This is my comfort in my trouble; that your sayings have given me life. 这话将我救活了。我在患难中,因此得安慰。
[bbe] This is the punishment of the evil-doer from God, and the heritage given to the cruel by the Ruler of all. 神为恶人所定的分,强暴人从全能者所得的报(报原文作产业)乃是这样。
[bbe] This is the purpose for all the earth: and this is the hand stretched out over all nations. 这是向全地所定的旨意。这是向万国所伸出的手。
[bbe] This is to be done for every young ox and for every male sheep or he-lamb or young goat. 献公牛、公绵羊、绵羊羔、山羊羔、每只都要这样办理。
[bbe] This is to be yours of the most holy things, out of the fire offerings; every offering of theirs, every meal offering and sin-offering, and every offering which they make on account of error, is to be most holy for you and your sons. 以色列人归给我至圣的供物、就是一切的素祭、赎罪祭、赎愆祭、其中所有存留不经火的、都为至圣之物、要归给你和你的子孙。
[bbe] This is what the Lord of armies has said: See, I will have the bow of Elam, their chief strength, broken. 万军之耶和华如此说,我必折断以拦人的弓,就是他们为首的权力。
[bbe] This is what we will do to them: we will not put them to death, for fear that wrath may come on us because of our oath to them. 我们要如此待他们、容他们活著.免得有忿怒因我们所起的誓临到我们身上。
[bbe] This only have I seen, that God made men upright, but they have been searching out all sorts of inventions. 我所找到的,只有一件,就是神造人原是正直,但他们寻出许多巧计。
[bbe] This sin will be to you like a crack in a high wall, causing its fall suddenly and in a minute. 故此,这罪孽在你们身上,好像将要破裂凸出来的高墙,顷刻之间,忽然坍塌。

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