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Bright, sociable and highly ambitious, a true opportunist to reach her target. She is passionate and good to her lover. Yet she likes to grumble (complaint) and lavish money.

Bright sparks like Mr Bookstaber ushered in a revolution that fuelled the boom in financial derivatives and Byzantine “structured products”. 像布克斯多布一样精明的人展示了在一场促使金融衍生品和高度复杂的“结构化产品”繁荣兴旺的变革。
Bright strode her first hands-off step on 7/30, and first outdoors march three weeks later. 7月30日,刘白脱手迈出了第一步。三星期后,刘白能到室外行走。
Bright sunray dial with luminous index and hands. 光亮的表面,映着银色的指针,有一种璀璨的感觉。
Bright yellow,fruit-green and lake-blue composes a sport tint as the theme of relaxation and happiness.Bright yellow,diamond-blue,lilac,pink,orange and olivine assort randomly and form a harmonious contrast.The new combination with lime green and dark red 以亮黄、果绿、湖蓝构成一组轻松、愉悦为主调的动运色彩,亮黄、宝蓝、绿紫、粉红、桔红、黄绿等各自独立的色彩随机搭配形成一种谐调的对比,酸橙绿与浆果紫的崭新组合等带来极富创意的新配色传出充满朝气的乐观态度。
Bright, ruby colour with aromas of ripe black cherry, cassis, cedar and dried spice. 明亮的红宝石色,带着成熟的黑樱桃,雪松,黑醋栗和干香料的芳香。
Bright, sociable and highly ambitious, a true opportunist to reach her target. She is passionate and good to her lover. Yet she likes to grumble (complaint) and lavish money. 魅力无边的社交能手,善于把握机会,将野心化作为毅力以达至成功。感情丰富,厚待爱人。亦发牢骚和乱花金钱。
Bright,aggressive applicants. 反应快、有进取心的应聘者。
Bright: quick to learn; intelligent; smart? 伶俐的;聪明的;机灵的?
Brighten up your office with these jeweled accessories. 让水晶文具为你的办公室带来新的亮点吧!
Brighter than all the gladness of the crowd was the bright smile of a girl who bought for a farthing a whistle of palm leaf. 比一切群众的欢乐还光辉的,是一个花一文钱买到一个棕叶哨子的小女孩的光辉的微笑。
Brighteye :Jewish girls do marry outsiders. I know a Roman Catholic who has a Jewish wife. 回复:犹太女孩和外民族结婚.我认识一个罗马天主教徒的妻子是犹太人.

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