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As a key parameter of multi-purpose reservoir operation, flood limit water level plays a critical role in achieving the balance between flood control and economic benefit such as hydropower generation and navigation improvement etc.

As a hybrids of art and industry the works are resourceful, boundary blurring and innovative. 作为科学与艺术的混合体这些富于智慧及充满创造性的作品模糊了艺术与科技之间的界限。
As a jewel of gold in a swine's snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion. 箴11:22妇女美貌而无见识、如同金环带在猪鼻上。
As a joke, her friends labeled her a genius, often just to make her angry. 朋友们在开玩笑时称她为天才,这常常只会使她生气。
As a key enterprise in the environmental protection industry, Xiechang Environmental Protection Sci-tech Company, Ltd. in the Suzhou Industry Park adheres to the policy of putting people first and giving priority to science and technology and devotes itse 苏州工业园区协昌环保科技有限公司,作为环保行业的重点企业,坚持“以人为本,科技创新”的方针,致力于袋式除尘器配件的研制、开发和制造。
As a key national high-tech enterprise, Jiangsu Changjiang Electric Co., Ltd (CJEC) is the core enterprise of Jiangsu Changjiang Electric Group Co., Ltd. 江苏长江电器股份有限公司,是江苏长江电气集团有限公司的核心企业,国家重点高新技术企业。
As a key parameter of multi-purpose reservoir operation, flood limit water level plays a critical role in achieving the balance between flood control and economic benefit such as hydropower generation and navigation improvement etc. 汛限水位是综合利用水库运行和调度的重要参数之一,它影响着防洪效益和防洪风险。
As a key step for analyzing interaction between soil and geogrid and for defining parameters used in analysis and calculation as well as engineering design, the rational evaluation of the ultimate bearing capacity of soil foundation reinforced by geogrids 摘要正确评价土工格栅加筋砂土的地基性能,是进行土工格栅与土之间相互作用分析以及为工程设计、计算与分析确定参数的基础。
As a key tache in the optimal deployment of human resources and the vital condition for their development, brain transference provides the stage for the talents. 春秋战国时期的人才流动在历史上是空前的,是我国古代第一次人才大流动。
As a kid growing up, I always dreamed about playing basketball, and never dreamed of basketball being able to take things to this level…going to other countries, inspiring kids and things of that nature. 当我还是个孩子的时候,就一直梦想着打篮球,但做梦都没有想到能达到这样的水平……并出国为孩子们灌输篮球理念以及他们天性中的某些东西。
As a kid, I used to tweak the antenna continually and maybe even pound the top of our TV's wood cabinet. 我小时候会一直调整天线,甚至还会敲电视机的木造外壳。
As a kind of additional service they could even get a CD with the right drivers for the hardware they just bought. 作为一种额外的服务,他们甚至可以拿到一张有著他们刚刚购买的硬件的驱动程序CD。

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