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[GY]Being an outstanding actor, a good husband and a good father, able to enjoy life by having only as much as I need.

[Forage Industry] putting the bromelain into some mixed forages can gratly increase the availability and inversion of protein ,thus decreasing the costfor forages. 将菠萝酶加入饲料配方或直接混合在饲料中,可以大大提高蛋白酶的利用率和转化率,从而降低饲料成本。
[Forage industry] Papain as an important forage additive has been added in feed of pig, beef, lamb, chicken, duck, goose, fish, shrimp, cow and eel and it improves the animal digestion function, increases feed utilizing rate and then lowers the poultry ra 木瓜酶广泛作为猪、牛、羊、鸡、鸭、鹅、鱼、虾等动物饲料的添加剂,并有助于牲畜消化,加速生长,提高饲料的利用率,节约成本。
[From Starring Role To Bit Part: Has The Curtain Come Down On Vitamin E ? 1从明星主角到零星配角:维生素E的戏落幕了吗?
[GY] Can there (will there) be three best friends in (one's) life? 人的一生中会有(会有吧)三个最好的朋友吗?
[GY] Robert De Nero, Denzel Washington, Brad Pitt. There's a lot of great actors in Korea, too but to say one would be hard. 罗伯特,德尼罗,丹泽尔.华盛顿,和布拉德.皮特。韩国有很多很伟大的演员,所以很难说出谁最好。
[GY]Being an outstanding actor, a good husband and a good father, able to enjoy life by having only as much as I need. 成为一个著名的演员,做一个好丈和好父亲,能够尽情享受我的人生。
[G] Of course, the pharmaceutical companies will scream. 当然,医药公司就会大喊大叫了。
[GoF] Gamma etc., Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. Addison-Wesley 1995. 中文版:《设计模式:可复用面向对象软件的基础》,李英军等译,机械工业出版社2000年。
[Helen brings Buster to get a haircut. (海伦带伙计去理发。)
[How could you stand her being late?] I once asked Jacky Chan. 「你怎麽忍她这种习惯?」有次问成龙。
[Hunter] Raptors can now learn Dash. 猎人:迅猛龙现在可以学习突进。

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