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A gang that murders people will be harried by civil injunctions and crackdowns on petty probation violations.

A game where you control a red or green ball trying to score the white ball into the opponent's gate. 这是个球类游戏,玩家可控制一个红球或绿球,并想办法将白色球打入对方球门。
A game's setting doesn't affect the type of character I play. 世界设定并不会影响我所要扮演的角色类型。
A gamete containing a diploid number of chromosomes, rather than the usual haploid number. 2一个包含二倍体数目染色体而不是通常单倍体数目染色体的配子。
A gang of criminals raided the bank. 一群罪犯抢劫了银行。
A gang of toughs attacked the police. 一群暴徒袭击了警察。
A gang that murders people will be harried by civil injunctions and crackdowns on petty probation violations. 杀了人的帮派,稍有违反缓刑条例,就会受到民事禁令和制裁的困扰。
A gaping wound; a gaping hole. 裂开的伤口;敞开的洞
A garbage can will be displayed on the right side of each record and allows you to delete the record. 垃圾桶图标将显示在每个记录的右侧,它允许你删除记录。
A garbage heap is an eye-sore. 垃圾堆是刺眼之物。
A garden without paths is nothing but milk and water, because of no surprises. 没有小径的花园是平淡的,少了点柳暗花明的意外喜悦。
A garden-view bure, or Fijian cottage suite, at The Wakaya Club doesn't come cheap, and the minimum stay is five nights. 花园一样美妙的景观让瓦卡亚俱乐部的收费同样惊人。

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