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Applying for exports tax rebate (or exemption), foreign trade enterprises have to be responsible for the truth and legality of their declaration of tax rebate data.

Applying a wax, whether it's synthetic, natural or a blend of both, to a neglected surface that has not been properly cleaned and then polished, will merely act to seal or lock the contaminants to the finish, and will do nothing to improve, or remove the 用一种蜡,不管它是合成的、天然的还是两种组合,对于忽视它的清洁和抛光,很少做封釉或锁住漆面的污物,都将没有任何效果或去除其它的污点,而且在大多数情况下,只是在边缘部位,才会有光泽和反射。
Applying avant-garde technology to the world's most ancient and complex language is as challenging as it is exciting. 运用前卫的技术,世界上最古老的和复杂的语言是一种挑战,因为这是令人振奋的.
Applying classical wave theory, a concept of equivalent elastic modulus on propagation speed modification of guided wave through variable cross-sectionof metal bar embeded layer was put forward. 摘要运用波动的经典理论,提出了导波在金属杆嵌入层“变截面”传播时波速改变的“等效弹性模量”的概念。
Applying common engineering sense, the shape of a manhole cover is entirely determined by the shape of the opening it is intended to cover. 从工程学的角度来看,井盖的形状完全取决于它要覆盖的洞口的形状。
Applying company name will use item 2,3,14. 第2,3,14项在申请“企业名称核准”时也将使用。
Applying for exports tax rebate (or exemption), foreign trade enterprises have to be responsible for the truth and legality of their declaration of tax rebate data. 外贸企业在申报出口货物退(免)税时,必须对申报退税资料的真实性、合法性负责。
Applying for scholarships is easier than working one's way through college. 申请奖学金比自己赚生活费读大学轻松多了。
Applying for that job is worth a try, you might get it . 申请那份工作很值得一试,你很有可能得到它。
Applying functional music to sports activities does not only strengthen the emotional expressivity of sports and create mental power, it also regulates the sportsman's physical mechanism, dispels his mental barrier and fatigue, improves the rhythm of move 把功能性音乐运用于体育运动中,不仅能增强运动的情感表现力和创造智能,还能调节运动者的生理机能和情绪,消除其精神障碍和运动疲劳,改善体育运动的动作节奏,培养运动者的协调性。
Applying geodynamic zoning method, this article has studied the mine field. 因此,对该井田进行了地质动力区划的研究。
Applying imported raw material and advanced manufacturing technology, together with modern scientific management system, it is specialized in manufacturing and selling machined bolts, selftapping screw bolts and nuts of stainless steel, copper oriron and 公司引进国外先进的冷镦和搓丝设备,采用进口原材料及先进生产技术,并运用现代科学管理体制,专业生产和销售中国GB、美国ANSI、日本JIS、德国DIN、英国BS标准的不锈钢、铜、铁机制螺钉、自攻螺钉、螺母;不锈钢、铜、铁、铝空心铆钉;十字槽、内六角紧定螺钉、膨胀螺栓、精密自动车床件等非标准五金制品,产品远销国内外市场,在广大用户中享有较高的信誉。

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