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Ascoma (ascocarp) The fruiting body of most fungi of the phylum Ascomycota, in which the asci are borne.

Ascension requires the embracing of one's form and the grounding of spirit into the embodiment so that it can be resurrected and reconstituted to the crystalline structure. 提升需要包含你的形态,和灵魂根植入身体,以为了身体能被更新和重组为水晶结构。
Ascent/descent lines, deco bar, current lines. 上升/下降绳,安全栅栏,潮流绳。
Ascertain the correctness of the fundamental sentence structure, namely: subject, verb and object. 保证最基本的语法正确。即主谓宾。
Ascetic practice is no easy matter! In our daily lives, we must train our minds to abstain from calculations and from discrimination. That is the essence of ascetic practice. 3苦行不是简单的!修苦行是修心,一切都不计较,日常生活中不起分别心,就是修苦行。
Ascoli, Genoa and Cagliari have all been linked with Sereni, as has AC Milan as they seek to bolster their goalkeeping stocks over injury concerns for No1 Dida. 阿斯科利,热亚纳和卡利亚里都和塞雷尼联系在一起,另外他也是米兰为受伤的迪达寻找的替代者之一.
Ascoma (ascocarp) The fruiting body of most fungi of the phylum Ascomycota, in which the asci are borne. 子囊果:真菌中大部分子囊菌所具有的子实体,其上生有子囊。
Ascomycete car les spores sont enfermés dans des sacs (asques) et hypogée car souterraine. 它之所以归属于此类是因为它生长在地下并且它的孢子(种子)藏在囊(小袋子)中的缘故。
Ascorbic acid and ammonium dihydrogen phosphate solution were used as the matrix modifier. 采用抗坏血酸和磷酸二氢铵作混合基体改进剂,热解涂层石墨管,塞曼扣背景。
Ascospore One of (usually) eight haploid spores produced inside an ASCUS by members of the phylum Ascomycota. 子囊孢子:在子囊菌中,子囊内进行减数分裂产生的孢子,通常是8个。
Ascot, a village in Berkshire, England, is the home of a famous annual race. 阿斯科特是一个位于英格兰伯克郡的村庄,一个著名年度赛马会的举行地。
Ascribe strength to God; His majesty is over Israel And His strength is in the skies. 诗68:34你们要将能力归给神.他的威荣在以色列之上、他的能力是在穹苍。

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