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Our assertion that the interstellar gas is definitely no vacuum would seem all the more paradoxical!

Our artillery smashed the enemy defenses. 我们的炮兵摧毁了敌人的防御工事。
Our artistic director was instrumental in persuading the orchestra to come. 我们的艺术指导帮助请来管弦乐队。
Our aseptic filling equipment includes sterile air-generator, aseptic filling system, and automatic self-clean system which has achieved the international technical standards from the system itself and the filling speed, and its scope of packaging materia 无菌灌装设备主要部分为无菌空气发生系统、无菌灌装系统和自动清洗系统,从系统本身及灌装速度上完全达到了国际上同类产品的技术水平,在使用包装材料的范围上更是超过国外同类设备。
Our assembly factory has 8000 square meters standard building area, and has advanced assembly machines, complete test equipment, and specialized design, manufacturing, and quality control teams. 公司下属工厂,现有标准厂房8000多平米;拥有先进的电子产品生产线及检测设备,和专业的研发、制造和品管队伍。
Our assembly line is capable of 1000 units per hour. 我们的装配线每小时可生产一千件。
Our assertion that the interstellar gas is definitely no vacuum would seem all the more paradoxical! 我们坚持星际气体决非真空的主张看来愈发荒谬可笑了!
Our assets are our people, capital and reputation. 我们最重要的三大财富是员工、资本和声誉。
Our associates are involved in the sales, joint ventures, and financing of: Real Estate,Office Buildings, Shopping Centers, Industrial, Apartments, Senior Housing, Hotels, Single Family Home Developments. 我们与它的合伙人涉及销售、合资企业并且投资:房地产业务、办公楼、购物中心、工业、公寓、高级住房、酒店、单独的家庭楼房。
Our astrological influences from the planets, or dimensions, we have inhabited will be good or bad, weak or strong, according to the experiences we have had there, and how we handled our problems. 来自于我们曾居住过的行星或维度的星相影响有好有坏,有强有弱,这要视我们在那里时的经历,以及我们曾如何处理我们的问题而定。
Our athlete is in lane two. 我们的运动员在第二跑道。
Our athlete played hard in the competition. 我们的运动员已整装待发。

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