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Given the superiority of setting up construction of project information system of iron and steel enterprise, security mechanism management and various kinds of window body design in system analysis and design have been illustrated in such system construct

Given the sluggish global economy, they should adopt effective measures and make greater efforts to restore market confidence and revitalize the global economy. 在当前世界经济面临困难的形势下,它们应采取有力的措施,为恢复市场信心,重振世界经济,作出更大的努力。
Given the speed cues, students can time the ship's deceleration and realize that it should have been barely noticeable to those on board. 有了速度的资料,学生就能计算船的减速幅度,进而了解船上的人其实几乎不可能感觉到船已减速。
Given the speed with which American fashions travel, we should all soon be receiving invitations to plastic surgery coming outparties. 鉴于美国时尚的传播速度,我们不久都应能收到整形手术“亮相”会的请帖。
Given the subjective nature of the award process, this was inevitable. 评奖过程的主观作用是不可避免的。
Given the success of replacing the gravitational force with the dynamics of space and time, why not seek a geometric explanation for the other forces of nature and even for the spectrum of elementary particles? 既然空间与时间的动力学已经成功取代重力,我们为何不去寻找其他作用力的本质、甚至基本粒子谱的几何解释呢?
Given the superiority of setting up construction of project information system of iron and steel enterprise, security mechanism management and various kinds of window body design in system analysis and design have been illustrated in such system construct 摘要从建立钢铁企业项目信息系统建设的优越性出发,对系统建设中系统分析和系统设计及系统实现中的安全机制管理、各种窗体设计做了分析设计。
Given the ultra tight restrictions on aflatoxin levels in feed materials imposed by major importing countries and trading blocs they have every reason to be concerned. 重点对从其他国家和贸易集团进口饲料中的黄曲霉毒素含量要给予严格限制,因为我们有更多的理由要求去我们去关注。
Given the unanimity requirement in the tax area, the green paper does not offer concrete options for fiscal measures but is confined to general considerations, leaving it up to member states to find the right balance in their tax systems. 考虑到税收领域存在统一的要求,绿皮书没有提供具体可供选择的财政手段,而是局限于一般考虑,由成员国自己在税收制度中找到合适的平衡。
Given the unappetizing prospect either of staying the course or leaving at once, Americans long for a middle way. 速撤或者不撤,前景都不看好,有美国人要做中道之寻:为何不按什叶、逊尼和库尔德把这个国家一分为三?
Given the uncertainty in the future growth of nuclear power and in the supply of oil and natural gas, coal-fired power plants could well provide up to 70 percent of the electric power in the United States by the end of the century. 考虑到核能发展以及石油、天然气供应中的不确定因素,到本世纪末,火力发电厂仍可能为美国提供多达70%的电力。
Given the versatility that test systems must offer, designing the switching functionmay be one of the most complex and challenging parts of the overall system design. 由于必须具备特定的多功能性,因此切换功能的设计工作就可能是总体系统设计中最为复杂和最具挑战性的工作之一。

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