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In many places, people simply dig up a pit and use it as a temporary toilet, which isn't cleaned at all,Ji remarked.

In his neck lodges strength, And dismay leaps before him. 伯41:22他颈项中存著劲力、在他面前的都恐吓跻跳。
In his place a despicable person will arise, on whom the honor of kingship has not been conferred, but he will come in a time of tranquility and seize the kingdom by intrigue. 但11:21必有一个卑鄙的人兴起接续为王、人未曾将国的尊荣给他、他却趁人坦然无备的时候、用谄媚的话得国。
In his speeches the mayor always puts on a big show of crocodile tears for poor and homeless people. But I don't see him doing anything to help them. 这是说:“这位市长在讲话时总是装得好像他对穷人和无家可归的人非常同情。但是,我并没有见到他做些什么来帮助他们。”
In little more than a decade, genomics has advanced greatly and we now have approximately 150 completed genomes including the human, mouse and fruit fly, in the public domain,said Craig Venter, president of the TCAG. 先进基因体学研究中心主任克雷格·文特尔说“在近十年里,基因体学发展迅速,我们在开放的领域里已经有大约150组完整的基因组,包括人类,老鼠和果蝇。”
In love the paradox occurs that two beings become one and yet remain two. 在爱中,就是有两个人合二为一却仍是两个人的矛盾发生。
In many places, people simply dig up a pit and use it as a temporary toilet, which isn't cleaned at all,Ji remarked. 冀说,“在许多地方,人们随便挖一个坑,就把它当成简易厕所来用,根本没有人来清理它。”
In midfield players are not used to people running at them as the full-backs are,he said. “我是个中场球员,不用像边后卫那样跑来跑去,”他说。
In my other books I used many accepted ideas as a springboard to lead readers into other levels of understanding. 在我其他的书中我运用了许多已被接收的观念来作跳板以引导读者进入理解的其他领域。
In name of Deyeson, a glorious paladin, I summon the power of Light, by this consecration. Clean this land, purify the water, heal the creatures, let the demon's remnants disappear! “以光荣的圣骑士戴耶森之名,我献祭自己召唤圣光的力量,净化这片湖水和大地,疗治所有受伤的生灵,让恶魔的污染从这里消失吧!”
In naval parlance, the left side of a ship is the port side. "用海军的用语来说,船的左边称为左舷。"
In naval parlance, the left side of a ship is the port side. 用海军的用语来说,船的左边称为左舷。

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