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This asexuality seems to have arisen only once, yet biology recognises about 380 species of bdelloid.

This articles lists the four economic paradoxes that need to be resolved: (l) how to increase the expenditure of social welfare without any increase in taxes; (2) how to balance industrial development and environmental protection; (3) how to avoid support 本文列举出四个亟待解开之经济矛盾的结:(1)在不加税的前提下,增加社会福利支出的困境;(2)追求产业发展与推动环保间的冲突;(3)金融问题中「概括承受」与「道德风险」的纠葛;(4)对两岸资金流动的疑虑。
This articles presents the nomenclature, location and needling manipulation and indications of acupoint Yanglao (SI 6) and its clinical application in the treatment of neck stiffness, back fascitis, prolapsed lumbar vertebra and sub-calcaneal fat pad lesi 摘要介绍养老穴命名、取穴方法、操作方法及适应症,并列举治疗落枕、背肌筋膜炎、腰椎间盘突出症、左跟骨下脂肪垫炎等病例4则。
This artist exhibits in all the art galleries. 那个艺术家在所有的艺廊展出。
This artist's work shows a perfect union of craftsmanship with imagination. 这位艺术家的作品表现了融为一体的技艺与想像。
This artwork just blows my mind. 这件工艺品精美得让我惊讶。
This asexuality seems to have arisen only once, yet biology recognises about 380 species of bdelloid. 这种无性繁殖似乎只出现过一次,但是生物学告诉我们这种蛭形生物有380个物种。
This ash is reacted with steam at 1000 ° Celsius to drive off the carbon content as Carbon Monoxide and the water is driven off as Hydrogen both of which are mixed with the syngas. 这些灰烬在1000摄氏度与蒸汽进行反应,碳元素释放为一氧化碳,水释放为氢,两种物质均与合成气体混合。
This asp page automatically generates a photo album, based on the contents of subdirectories of an IIS virtual directory. 这个应用程序页面能基于一个IIS虚拟目录的子目录内容自动地创建一个相册。
This aspect dilutes the ego, making those subject to it all too aware of the thoughts and feelings of others, often to the detriment of the self. 这相位稀释了自我,让那些受它影响的人,轻易意识到他人的思想跟感觉,通常造成了对自己的不利。
This aspect is an impediment to happiness and the expression of optimism. 这相位是对愉快及乐观主义显现的阻碍。
This aspect is equally prominent in the charts of fervent believers and fervent skeptics. 这相位在那些狂热的信徒及怀疑者中同样突显。

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