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Finally, different parameters in the equation of gravity center measuring are analyzed on basis of error theory and conclusion is reached the degree at which the extra angle increament caused by platform defomity influences gravity center measuring is sma

Finally, by the use of a living example of innovative design for internal combustion engine the above stated viewpoint was expounded. 最后,用内燃机创新设计的实例对所提观点加以阐明。
Finally, by using the regress parameter, this paper analyses how the personal social economic factor, time factor and transportation mode attribute affect the travel choice behavior of passengers when a dedicated passenger railway line is inducted in inte 根据回归得到的参数,分析了当城际之间的客运通道引入客运专线时,旅客的个人社会经济因素、时间因素、运输方式等属性对旅客出行选择行为的影响。
Finally, climate is a worldwide system. 最后,气候是一种世界性的体系。
Finally, combined with the crack observation and statistics results of certain segment static load experiment, in this paper the membership degree of crack's factors is calculated according to the established membership function and the fuzzy comprehensiv 然后结合某次管片静力实验裂缝观刚、统计结果,根据建立的隶属度函数对裂缝诸因素的隶属度进行了计算,并运用最大隶属度原则对裂缝对管片结构耐久性的影响程度进行了模糊综合评价。
Finally, consider the cost. Face lift costs vary considerably from country to country, city to city, surgeon to surgeon, and depend on the type and extent of surgery needed. Find out how much it will cost and decide if it will be worth it to have the kind 最后,考虑到成本.面对电梯费用相差很大,从国家,城市与城市,以外科手术,依靠的类型和程度,需要手术.找出多少费用,并决定是否需要就将它有什么样的面部除皱你觉得有需要.
Finally, different parameters in the equation of gravity center measuring are analyzed on basis of error theory and conclusion is reached the degree at which the extra angle increament caused by platform defomity influences gravity center measuring is sma 最后根据多元函数的误差理论,详细分析了重心测试计算式中各参数对重心测试的影响,得出平台变形引起的附加角变形对重心测试的影响程度要小于角度传感器本身的测量误差的重要结论。
Finally, don't tell Rudolph, but a great reindeer stew can be had in Lapland as well. 最后,别告诉鲁道夫,在拉普兰还可以尝到棒极了的炖驯鹿大餐呢。
Finally, due to the rapid rotation of the neutron star, or the evolution of the companion, the infall of matter stops, the X-ray emission declines, and the neutron star emerges as a radio-emitting millisecond pulsar. 最后,由于中子星疾速的自转,或是伴星自身的演化,物质的流入停止,X射线辐射减弱,这颗中子星就呈现出了毫秒脉冲星的面目。
Finally, employees may procrastinate in their decision to move away from the default in much the same way as they put off their participation in the plan in the absence of automatic enrollment. 最后一点,在没有自动登记的情况下雇员迟迟不肯加入,基于同样的道理,在舍弃默认方案而选择其它方案的时候他们也会犹豫不决。
Finally, environments or partnerships moderate the effects of capabilities on strategic orientation, respectively. 最后,环境或夥伴关系分别对厂商能力在策略导向上有调和效果。
Finally, envision yourself climbing the ladder and writing down the pairs of letters that make up each rung. 最后,想像自己正在爬梯子,将构成每对字母的梯级写下来。

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