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It is the acceptance of perfection and the acquiescence of complete surrender that will allow you to frequent the realms of transcendent beauty.

It is the RO's job to produce the SIs and the judge's job to interpret them. 总裁判长的任务是书写航行细则,仲裁的任务是对它们进行解释。
It is the Smarta view that dominates the view of Hinduism in the West. 斯瓦米对印度教的观点在西方占优势。
It is the Solar Father that greets you today. 这是太阳父亲今天的问候。
It is the Thai government's main task to make structural adjustments to revitalize economy of Thailand. 摘要进行结构性调整以重振泰国经济,这是泰国政府在新世纪之初面临的主要课题。
It is the ability to do the job that matters not where you come from or what you are. 干工作的能力不在乎你来自何方还是干什么的。
It is the acceptance of perfection and the acquiescence of complete surrender that will allow you to frequent the realms of transcendent beauty. 它是接受完和默许彻底屈服,将允许你们流连于超然美感领域。
It is the act of intending (or willing your vision to be so) that the vision is sent to your solar sun to be recorded. 意愿的行为(或者愿意让你的想象是这样),想象被送入你们太阳系的太阳去被记录。
It is the act of rolling after the mating that makes the eggs drop. 交配之后的翻滚能促使母猫顺利排卵。
It is the advantaged logistics conditions in the Pearl River Delta that enable Guihang's conduct import/export trades to be praised by more and more customers for accurate delivery and swiftness. 正是珠江三角洲得天独厚的物流条件,使得贵航的进出口贸易以交货准时、快捷,赢得越来越多客户的赞誉。
It is the aim to search simple and effective methods to prepare and control the micro-nano-binary-structure to get super-hydrophobic coating. 探索如何采用简单有效的方法构造和调控涂膜的双微观结构,从而获得性能持久优异的超疏水性涂膜,并有效应用于生产和生活的各个方面是这一领域研究的最终目标。
It is the apparent pursuit of name change in the referendum, therefore, that makes the initiative appear to us to be a step intended to change the status quo. 因此这项公投明显就是寻求更改国名,因此,美国认为这个行动就是有意改变现状的一步。

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