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Through systematical review of previous literatures,combining with research status of dispersible tablets,the functions of disintegrating agents,adhesives,other excipents of dispersible tablets and the influences of preparation methods on disintegration a

Through such an approach, we may look forward to a positive and friendly relationship between Taiwan and the new French government which will come to power 5 years down the road. 未来5年,台湾不仅可以改善右派过去对台湾的偏见与不了解,也必须继续保持与左派的接触,这样一来,我们将可以期待5年之后的法国新政府与台湾政府之间,会有更积极友善的关系。
Through such creative involvement, Dickens was no longer a bewildered and dispossessed adult, living apart from his trauma at a suitable distance, but a creator able to articulate his feelings with renewed clarity however dismaying that might be. 据他的传记记载,他一方面极不愿说起这段悲伤受难的往事,且似乎终身受这伤痕的回忆折磨着;一方面却在作品中以另一种形式公开佛斯特所记录的“灵魂的苦痛”。
Through such seemingly prosaic patriotism education, the children have become more diligent and eager to learn. 通过看似平淡的郑成功爱国主义教育,孩子们变得更加勤奋好学、坚忍不拔。
Through summarizing the domestic and foreign information in the present research of parameter selection of rock mechanics, the existing problems are pointed out, and its research orientation and countermeasures needed to be solved are proposed. 通过总结国内外岩石力学参数取值研究现状,提出了目前水利水电工程岩石力学参数取值存在的问题,指出了今后研究方向以及解决问题的对策。
Through superior quality and first class service, our ZLP series suspended platforms are widely applied in major national construction projects such as China Ministry of Foreign Affairs Office Block, Beijing Oriental Plaza, Guangzhou Baiyun International 凭借着卓越的品质和专业的服务,我公司ZLP系列高处作业吊篮深受用户信任和青睐,产品在中国外交部大楼、北京东方广场、广州新白云机场、江阴长江大桥等国家重大工程项目中广泛应用。
Through systematical review of previous literatures,combining with research status of dispersible tablets,the functions of disintegrating agents,adhesives,other excipents of dispersible tablets and the influences of preparation methods on disintegration a 本文通过系统查阅以往国内外文献资料,结合国内分散片研究现状,对分散片处方中的崩解剂、粘合剂及其它辅料的作用和制备方法对分散片崩解性能和溶出性能的影响进行综述.
Through talks all disputes can be avoided. 通过对话一切都可以避免。
Through teachers impelling and model action to standardize students' language and behavior and adjust ground, tool and equipment in reason, aesthetic education can be taken effect. 通过发挥教师自身的感召力和表率作用,对学生言行的规范,对场地、器材、设施的布置等多种教学方法和手段的合理搭配,实现体育教学的美育作用。
Through technology transfer and international business negotiations, China wood processing technology and workmanship can be updated, thus improving the competitiveness of wood products in the world arena. 通过技术转移和商贸洽谈,使我国木材加工技术和工艺得以提升,从而增强我国木制产品的国际竞争力。
Through technology, science helps man to gain increasing control over his environment. 科学通过技术来帮助人类对环境进行越来越多的控制。
Through test and analysis, the influence of putting auxiliary air of the double inlet and double outlet coal pulverizer into operation upon ecomomic behavior of the boiler for 300 MW unit in one power plant has been obtained. 摘要通过试验分析了某电厂300MW机组锅炉所配双进双出钢球磨煤机辅助风投运对锅炉排烟温度的影响,结果表明,锅炉运行期间只要磨煤机一次风管不堵管,就无需投入磨煤机辅助风,辅助风仅在启动前和停磨煤机后吹扫管道时投入即可。

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