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An adventurer who engages in a private military action in a foreign country.

An advantage of using the internet is that we can look for any information we need at any time. 使用因特网的优点是我们能在任何时候寻找我们所需要的信息.
An advantage of using the plane is that it can save time. 使用飞机的好处是它能够节省时间.
An adventure activity is not an end in itself. 历险活动本身不是终点。
An adventure experience then holds up a mirror to reflect back information about personal styles, modes of interaction, options, choices and potential. 这样的历险经验,有如镜子一般,反映出个人风格、互动模式、选择、机会和种种可能。
An adventure in dining. 进餐中的奇遇
An adventurer who engages in a private military action in a foreign country. 军事冒险家在国外从事秘密军事行动的冒险者
An advertisement for a soft drink, for example,might show a group of trendy young people who are having fun. 例如某种软饮料的广告,可能就会出现一群玩得正开心的前卫青年,这些年轻人正畅饮该种饮料。
An advertisement for therapeutical medicines that must be applied under the guidance of doctors as required by the State should include the words of To seek doctor's advice in the purchasing and application. 国家规定的应当在医生指导下使用的治疗药品广告中,必须注明“按医生处方购买和使用”。
An advertisement should not lie about the patent right of any product that has not factually obtained the patent right. 未取得专利权的,不得在广告中谎称取得专利权。
An adviser to the Government's health spending watchdog said recently that the condition was a bigger national danger than smoking, alcohol or poverty. 一位政府健康投入管理机构的顾问最近指出:这种情形是比吸烟、酒精和贫穷更大的国家公敌。
An advisory board to comment on the Center's research directions and provide suggestions. 中心设谘询委员会,提供本中心学术研究与发方向之谘询及评议。

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