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If the salvor has carried out the salvage operations prescribed in the preceding paragraph and has prevented or minimized pollution damage to the environment, the special compensation payable by the owner to the salvor under paragraph 1 of this Article ma

If the said person is in custody, he shall be released immediately. 如果被不起诉人在押,应当立即释放。
If the said sales business operator refuses or disobeys such instruction or order, he shall be imposed with a fine in an amount not less than New Taiwan Dollar Twenty Thousand (NTD 20,000) but not more than New Taiwan Dollar Two Hundred Thousand (NTD 200, 第16条贩卖业者违反第十二条规定,贩卖或意图贩卖而陈列未依本法规定标示之商品者,直辖市或县(市)主管机关得通知限期停止陈列、贩卖;该商品对身体或健康具有立即危害者,得迳令立即停止陈列、贩卖。
If the saint is annoyed, don't pray to him until he gets over it. 直泽:要是圣徒恼了,在他消气之前不要向他祈祷。
If the salt content is constant, for the same soil, the permeability decreases with increase in dry density in a linear relationship within a certain range of dry density; when the dry density is beyond this range, permeability and the dry density are rel 当干容重在一定的范围内时,渗透系数与干容重呈线性关系,但当干容重超过该范围时,渗透系数与干容重呈幂函数关系。
If the salvor has been negligent and has thereby failed to prevent or minimize the pollution damage to the environment, the salvor may be totally or partly deprived of the right to the special compensation. 由于救助方的过失未能防止或者减少环境污染损害的,可以全部或者部分地剥夺救助方获得特别补偿的权利。
If the salvor has carried out the salvage operations prescribed in the preceding paragraph and has prevented or minimized pollution damage to the environment, the special compensation payable by the owner to the salvor under paragraph 1 of this Article ma 救助人进行前款规定的救助作业,取得防止或者减少环境污染损害效果的,船舶所有人依照前款规定应当向救助方支付的特别补偿可以另行增加,增加的数额可以达到救助费用的百分之三十。
If the salvor has failed, due to his negligence, to prevent or minimize the pollution damage to the environment, he may be totally or partly deprived of the right to the special compensation. 由于救助方的过失未能防止或减少环境污染损害的,可以全部或部分地剥夺救助方获得特别补偿的权利。
If the salvor has reason to believe that the party salved is to or attempts to violate the provision of this Paragraph, the salvor is entitled to apply for measure of property security. 如果救助方有理由认为被救助方将要违反或企图违反本款规定,有权申请采取财产保全措施。
If the salvor, performing the salvage operations in respect of the vessel which by itself or her cargo threatened pollution damage to the environment, has failed to earn a reward under Clause 7 of this Contract at least equivalent to the special compensat 第九条对构成环境污染损害危险的船舶或船上货物进行的救助,救助方依照本合同第七条规定所获得的救助报酬,少于依照本条规定可以得到的特别补偿的,救助方有权依照本条规定,从船舶所有人处获得相对于救助费用的特别补偿。
If the same party assumed all the rights and obligations under a contract, the rights and obligations thereunder are discharged, except where the contract involves the interests of a third person. 第一百零六条债权和债务同归于一人的,合同的权利义务终止,但涉及第三人利益的除外。
If the same phellogen functions from year to year, as in beech and oak, then the bark is smooth and consists only of tissue external to the phloem, mainly cork. 如在榉木或橡木中,相同的木栓形成层年复一年的活动,那么树皮是光滑的,并且仅形成韧皮部的外方组织,主要是木栓(软木)。

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