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An demo application that shows you how to shutdown windows, keep a form always on top, add a system tray icon, use yes/no message boxes, use popup menus, and more.

An axiom ofinsurance isindemnity.That sto say the insured cannotexpectto make a profitoutofthe insurance contract. 保险的一条原则是赔偿。也就是说,被保险者不能期望从保险合同获利。
An axis defines a node-set relative to the current node. 坐标轴是用于定义与当前节点相关的节点集。
An bh arrow hitting left of fp's is a stiff spine reaction if I remember right,so I don't think spine is the problem. 如果我没记错的话,刀片相对于子弹头偏左,才会关及箭的硬度问题,所以跟硬度值应该没有关系.
An by means of a good cutter each rectangular print can be cropped to square. 用一台好的剪切机,每一幅矩形的印刷品都能裁成方形。
An children's amusement park was relocated in the park for recreation and sightseeing. 择址新建集观赏、娱乐性为一体的儿童游乐园。
An demo application that shows you how to shutdown windows, keep a form always on top, add a system tray icon, use yes/no message boxes, use popup menus, and more. 这是一个演示程序,向你展示了如何关闭窗口,不将一个窗体置上,增加一个系统托盘图标,使用是/否信息框,使用弹出菜单以及更多。
An discriminantt rule to transfer interference analysis from three dimensional space to two dimensional space is presented with consideration of shape and volume of two booms in the case.And practical analysis is applied on simplified model of two booms b 在考虑双臂形状与尺寸的情况下,提出了一种将干涉分析由三维空间转化为二维平面的判别准则,并将干涉判别准则在双臂的简化模型上进行了实际的分析,该方法判别简单、计算速度快,具有重要的实用价值。
An e-mail message traveling across the country on the National Information Highway affords greater opportunities for the message to be intercepted. 而在国家信息高速公路上横穿国家的电子邮件,则提供了更多的被截取的机会。
An e-mail sent on a regular basis would link connection between both sides. 另外,传统营销中,运用大众传媒大规模促销活动,容易引起竞争者的对抗行为,削弱促销的效果。
An e-timing motor for the transport can ensure the placidity move speed. 输送采用电子调速电机,运行速度平稳。
An eager anticipation of the Lord's return keeps us living productively. 渴慕主的再来,使我们生活得更有果效.

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