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A farewell party; a farewell glance.

A fan-shaped anatomical structure. 扇形器官扇形的解剖结构
A fanatic often has unreasonable and mistaken beliefs, especially in religion. 一个对事物狂热的人常常有不合理和错误的信仰,尤其是在宗教方面。
A fanned-out circuit. For example, from a terminal control unit to one terminal. 一种成扇状分叉的电路。如从一个终端控制单元到另一个终端。
A far simpler example is a boy riding his bike .The bike, the boy ,the street(with all its traffic conditions),the weather ,the time of day, and even other children make up the system of boy on his bike. 脚踏车、男孩、街道(与它所有的交通情况),天气,日子的时候和甚至其他的孩子组成男孩在他的脚踏车上的系统.
A far-fetched notion, perhaps, but this Renaissance Venetian revolutionised painting—and his work, focusing on secular subjects such as nudes, landscapes and female beauty, was dubbed “modern” by the leading art commentator of the day, Vasari. 或许有些牵强,但这个文艺复兴时代的威尼斯人给绘画带来革命,他的画作关注世俗题材比如人体,风景和女性美,这些都被当时的评论家瓦萨里授予“现代”的称号。
A farewell party; a farewell glance. 告别晚会;离别时的一瞥
A farm hand or farm w orker. 农场工人或农业工人。
A farm implement consisting of a heavy blade at the end of a beam, usually hitched to a draft team or motor vehicle and used for breaking up soil and cutting furrows in preparation for sowing. 犁一种农具,由在一根横梁端部的厚重的刃构成,通常系在一组牵引它的牲畜或机动车上,用来破碎土块并耕出槽沟从而为播种做好准备
A farmer cultivates vegetables on his farm. 一个农夫在田里种蔬菜。
A farmer happened to drive by, heard her screams, raced from his truck, took aim and shot the alligator. 就在这万分危急的关头,一位农夫恰巧驾车经过,一听到孩子母亲的尖叫便飞速从卡车上跳下,瞄准鳄鱼并开枪将其射杀。
A farmer is a man who owns or plans the work on a farm. 农夫是拥有田地或是规划田地工作的人.

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