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These memory changes were quite subtle but they were measurable,she noted in an interiew with Reuters Health.

These fluffy toys with bacteria or even viruses in them could cause children to itch if they touch them for a short time, or even cause disease over the long term,the newspaper said. 该报道称,“儿童短时间接触这些携带细菌甚至病毒的毛绒玩具会身上发痒;长时间接触则会引发疾病。”
These gas giants cause quite a ruckus,Raymond said. 这些气态的巨形怪物总能引起混乱.雷蒙德说.
These guys pretty well know what we need to do,said Yankees manager Joe Torre. We need to go out and win every game. “阵中好手十分明了我们该有什麽作为”,洋基总教练托老说。”
These individuals have higher levels of vulnerability and tend to turn to food as an escape from self-awareness,O Connor said. 欧科诺博士说:“这些人的心理比较脆弱,往往会用吃东西的方法来分散自己的注意力。”
These institutions and disciplines are composed of individuals,each restrained by limiting ideas about their own private reality; and so it is with private reality that we will begin and always return, period. “这些制度和纪律由许多个人组成,每个人受到对他们自己私人实在的思考的限制;并且,我们将以私人的实在期间性地开始和回归。
These memory changes were quite subtle but they were measurable,she noted in an interiew with Reuters Health. 她在路透社健康频道的访谈中说,这些记忆改变十分微细,但是可以测量得到。
These paddles can pull me through the water real fast,Ben panted. “这些桨确实能够帮我游得更快。”本气喘吁吁地说。
These pathways are carriers of telepathic thoughts, impulses, and desires containing all the codified data necessary for translating any thought or image into physical actuality, altering seemingly objective events. “这些通道是心灵感应的思想、冲动和欲望的载体,包含了将任何思想或想像转译为物质现实,改变似乎是客观事件所需的所有密码。
These postcards...attract to our city the wrong kind of tourists and promote deplorable sex tourism,said the bill's sponsor, deputy Alice Tamborindeguy. 「这些明信片吸引不正当的观光客来,而且鼓励了可悲的性观光产业」,提案人爱丽丝.汤波林狄盖说。
These radicals have declared their uncompromising hostility to freedom. It is foolish to think that you can negotiate with them. 这些激进分子已经宣布了他们为了自由而决不妥协的敌意。幻想和他们谈判是愚蠢的。
These results appear in line with the half-life of platelets, and suggest that in case of mandatory aspirin discontinuation for highly invasive interventions in patients at high risk of bleeding, the drug should be resumed well before that 8-10 days have 研究者称:“这些结果看起来与血小板的半衰期一致,表明在出血高危患者行大型侵入治疗而必须中断阿司匹林的情况下,应该在8~10天之内重新开始恰当地服用阿司匹林。

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